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Les règles.  BRAINSTORM: Why do we have rules?  Rules keep us safe.  Rules keep us happy.  Rules keep us productive.

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Presentation on theme: "Les règles.  BRAINSTORM: Why do we have rules?  Rules keep us safe.  Rules keep us happy.  Rules keep us productive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Les règles

2  BRAINSTORM: Why do we have rules?  Rules keep us safe.  Rules keep us happy.  Rules keep us productive.

3 1. Do not jump on ancient uncles. 2. Do not yell at average mice. 3. Do not wear a broom to breakfast. 4. Do not ask a snake's advice. 5. Do not bathe in chocolate pudding. 6. Do not talk to bearded bears. 7. Do not smoke cigars on sofas. 8. Do not dance on velvet chairs. 9. Do not take a whale to visit 10. Russell's mother's cousin's yacht. 11. And whatever else you do 12. It is better you 13. Do not.

4  What was the “Rules” poem about? (It is intended to be a joke, but rules are to be taken very seriously!)  What would happen if there were no rules in society?  What would happen if there were no rules in school?

5  deo_id=46007 deo_id=46007

6  Now we are going to create a list of class rules that are important to us.  In your groups, discuss the rules that you believe are necessary to have a classroom that is safe, happy and productive. Remember that we are here to learn, so the rules should support that!  c_id=3437&title=Mr__Hall_s_Rules c_id=3437&title=Mr__Hall_s_Rules








14  When I enter the classroom, I should:  A. socialize  B. walk around  C. open your textbook/notebook, sharpen my pencil, start on the warm-up, and get ready to learn  We lose valuable time. Get ready to learn before the bell rings!

15  I must come to class:  A. on time  B. early  C. 5 minutes late  D. when I get around to it  If you continually come late to class without a pass, you need to reassess your routine. You will suffer consequences for not getting to class on time.

16  I can eat candy or snacks in class.  A. true vrai  B. false faux  Why not?

17  During instructional modeling time (when the teacher and/or a classmate is talking), I should:  A. sit quietly and listen  B. interrupt the student  C. talk to my neighbor  Chatting during class is disruptive and slows down progress. If you are disrupting the class, you will be bounced, served detention, or worse!

18  I have a question about the lesson. I should:  A. Call out  B. Raise my hand, then call out  C. Raise my hand. I know the teacher will call on me soon.  What happens when we all talk at the same time?

19  When the teacher is explaining a concept, I have a question that is unrelated to the lesson. For example, I need to use the restroom or have a question about my grade. I should:  A. Call it out loud  B. Raise my hand, then ask  C. Wait until the teacher is done explaining, and talk to her individually  Ask unrelated questions during individual time. We focus on one thing at a time.

20  I was talking too much in class and the teacher moved my seat. I should:  A. stay where I am. I like it there!  B. move immediately and quietly  C. argue with the teacher  D. wait until the teacher asks me again to move  You were asked to move for a reason—your own benefit!

21  I don’t understand the assignment. I should:  A. do something else  B. ask the teacher for help  C. take a nap  D. socialize  Ask for help! If your house were on fire, what would you do?

22  A classmate is really annoying me! I should:  A. tell him/her off  B. hit or kick him/her or his/her property  C. ignore the student, and let the teacher know privately  Love thy neighbor … or ignore him/her!

23  I like basketball. However, I should not:  A. sit in my seat  B. throw anything in the room, including balls of paper into the recycling bin  C. ever wear a team jersey  Throwing anything in the classroom is dangerous and is taken very seriously. Save basketball for gym!

24  In order to use the restroom during class, I need:  A. my passes  B. a bucket  C. a scrap of paper and a pen  You must have your passes to leave the room. Furthermore, you must wait until modeling time is completed so you don’t miss important information. Come prepared!

25  I don’t like my seat. I should:  A. sit wherever I want  B. sit near a friend so I can talk all class  C. ask to move while the teacher is teaching the lesson  D. stand up  You were assigned a seat for a reason. Stay in it!

26  I need to sharpen my pencil. I should:  A. steal one from my neighbor  B. ask for permission to use the sharpener  C. socialize at the pencil sharpener  Sharpening your pencil should occur before class starts!

27  I don’t have a pencil and/or paper. I:  A. am excused from work for the day  B. should write on the desk  C. should ask the teacher for one, because I know she will give me one  Ask for pen/paper when needed. There is no excuse to not work!

28  There is no textbook under my desk. I should:  A. share with a neighbor  B. take a nap  C. do nothing  Share textbooks!

29  I am done with my work. I should:  A. socialize or walk around  B. take a nap  C. remain quietly at my seat. I may do work for another class or ask the teacher for more French work or for permission to get a book from the class library  Be considerate of others who are still working!

30  I am done with the assignment. I should:  A. get out of my seat and hand the paper to the teacher  B. throw it away  C. wait until the teacher collects the assignment  Keep an orderly and safe environment. Stay in your seat!

31  It’s the last three minutes of class. I should:  A. check to make sure I have the homework assignment and my belongings ready to go, but continue working  B. line up at the door  C. stop working  Again, keep order—stay in your seat. You’re not in elementary school anymore, so don’t line up at the door.

32 Rules are important! They help us maintain an environment that is safe, fun, and educational (that’s why we’re here, after all!). Here are the class rules. Every student in the room will sign it. Additionally, a copy will be posted in the room. If you disregard the rules, your signed copy will be filed with your bounce report, detention slip, referral, etc. However, if you follow the rules, there will be rewards such as less homework (since work is completed in class), tiger grams, games during x-block, and more!

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