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C-Notes: HIV/AIDS and STDs

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1 C-Notes: HIV/AIDS and STDs
Stnd: 5.4 G C-Notes: HIV/AIDS and STDs 02/27/2014 Objective: SWBAT identify the different symptoms related to HIV/AIDs and STDs

2 What are some Ground Rules?
We are about to spend 6 lessons on prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STD’s. Ground Rules One person speaks at a time (raise your hand) No Putdowns (Respect differences) No dumb questions Don’t use names to tell a story Classroom discussions are confidential I know that this could be challenging because of controversy and misunderstandings that surrounds HIV/AIDS and STDS. So we need to set some ground rules before we begin.

3 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
What is HIV? (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) A Virus that causes AIDS. HIV weakens several organ systems and destroys the body’s immune system, making it easier for life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to invade the body Certain drugs have become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and raves.

4 Certain drugs have become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and raves.

5 Certain drugs have become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and raves.

6 Certain drugs have become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and raves.

7 Certain drugs have become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and raves.

8 Blood Breast milk Semen & Pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum) Vaginal fluid These 4 fluids can transmit HIV into a person’s bloodstream through 4 commonly openings: Mouth genitals (vagina & penis) anus breaks in the skin Which body fluids can transmit HIV?

9 Lesson Two Next: Mismatch Activity

10 Sex (anal, vaginal, or oral) Sharing needles
When an infected person’s blood, semen, or vaginal secretions come in contact with an uninfected person’s broken skin or mucous membranes. Sex (anal, vaginal, or oral) Sharing needles HIV infected women to their babies before or during birth, or breast feeding after birth What are the most common ways that HIV is transmitted?? If the person performing oral sex has HIV , blood from their mouth may enter the body of the person receiving oral sex through the opening of the penis, bagina, anus or through any open cuts or sores.

11 What happens to the body when HIV enters the body?
HIV takes over the T cells (immune system fights back by producing antibodies) T Cells becomes HIV factories Newly infected person may run a fever or experience flu-like symptoms during the first few days HIV antibodies are not detected for 3-6 months later This is called the “Window Period” AIDS is diagnosed later can not be cured

12 Lesson Two Optional

13 How can you tell if you are infected with HIV? (symptoms)
Only way getting tested (do NOT rely on symptoms b/c it takes many years for symptoms to occur) Warning Signs: Rapid weight loss Dry cough Swollen lymph glands in the armpit, groin, or neck Diarrhea (lasting for more than a week) White spots on the tongue, mouth or throat Pneumonia Red, brown, pinkish/purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids Memory loss, depression and other neurological disorders. However, do not assume you are infected if you have any of these symptoms.

14 What is AIDS? (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) A condition which limits the body’s ability to fight infections Is a later stage of HIV, often occurring eight or more years after a person is infected with HIV

15 What is the worldwide AIDS pandemic?
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 30.8 million adults and 2.5 million children in the world (Pandemic) 1.1 million people in the United States (Epidemic) 100,000 people diagnosed cases of AIDS in California



18 What populations are at risk for HIV?
More than half of new HIV infections occurs among gay, bisexual men, heterosexual and injection drug users.


20 Is there a connection between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases?
Yes Having an STD can increase a person’s risk of becoming infected with HIV, whether the STD cause open sores, or breaks in the skin. (ex: herpes and syphilis) or does not cause breaks in the skin (chlamydia, gonorrhea)

21 (Sexually Transmitted Disease)
What are STD’s? (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Diseases that are spread during vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex Ex: Pubic Lice Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Hepatitis A & C Genital Herpes HIV HPV

22 Lesson Three (after cards and photos)

23 Lesson Three

24 You CANNOT get HIV from:
a toilet seat being coughed or sneezed on sharing eating utensils living with someone who is HIV positive sharing a bathroom tears, saliva, or sweat casual contact

25 What are Pubic Lice? “Crabs”
Caused by External parasite that infests the pubic region Transmission Close physical contact or using clothing, bedding or towel of an infected person Symptoms Intense itching in genital or anal region where there is body hair Treatment Curable with OTC shampoos and creams as well as washing all clothing and bedding


27 What is Chlamydia? Caused by Bacteria Treated with antibiotics
Long term effects: (Not treated) Women: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), damage to reproductive organ, tubal (ectopic) pregnancies and infertility Men: inflammation of testicles, prostate, and scrotum and infertility Both: Arthritis Symptoms Women (none): Unusual discharge from vagina, abdominal and urination pain, and vaginal bleeding Men(2- 6weeks): Burning when urinating and clear-to-white discharge **Many infected individuals do not have any symptoms** Although chlamydia is usually asymptomatic in women, it may present with inflammation of the cervix. Chlamydia: Clear or milky urethral discharge may be a symptom of chlamydia in men.


29 What is Gonorrhea? Caused by Bacteria Can be treated with antibiotics
If untreated, may lead to infertility and damage to reproductive organs. Symptoms Women (none): Thick discharge from vagina, abdominal and urination pain, pain during intercourse and/or vaginal bleeding Men (2-7 days): Burning when urinating, testicular pain or swelling and thick, yellowish-green discharge **Many infected individuals do not have any symptoms**


31 What is Syphilis? Caused by Bacteria Can be treated with antibiotics
Symptoms (progresses in 4 stages) 1st (10-14 days): Painless reddish brown sores that appears on the genital area called “chancres” 2nd (Later): rashes, swollen joints, fever, and hair loss 3rd (silent): no symptoms 4th (after 1st year): brain damage, heart disease, blindness, damage to spinal cord, and death



34 What are Genital Herpes?
Caused by Virus (Two types) Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) : cold sores HSV-2: genital herpes ** May cause a single outbreak or recurrences over time** Recurrences are triggered by: Menstrual cycle (women) Stress Fever Intercourse Sun tanning Some meds Symptoms Small painful blisters on sex organs that break into open sores May have no symptoms No cure. Symptoms can be treated with meds to reduce the outbreaks


36 What is Hepatitis B? Caused by Virus that affects the liver
Transmission Infected blood through vaginal, anal and oral sex Common from sharing toothbrush and razors from an infected person Symptoms (none) 50% of people has no symptoms but may include jaundice (yellowish skin and eyes), and flu-like symptoms No CURE, but there is a vaccine to prevent infection.

37 What is HPV? (Human Papilloma Virus)
A Virus that causes genital warts and cervical cancer Symptoms Small painless cauliflower-like bumps on sex organs and anus that can multiply quickly Itchiness, discomfort and bleeding with intercourse No cure. Can remove bump with creams, lasers, burns or freezing but the virus will still be under the tissue. (Vaccine for cervical cancer is available for females)


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