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Common STD’s and Their Treatments

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1 Common STD’s and Their Treatments
Chlamydia Tricomoniasis Genital warts Genital herpes Syphilis

2 Chlamydia Cause – Bacteria Symptoms –
In males – pain and burning during urination land an unusual white watery discharge from the penis In Females – May have no symptoms If symptom -unusual discharge , pain in the pelvic region and painful urination Can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID)

3 Chlamydia Treatment – diagnosed through lab tests and treated with antibiotics 80 percent of females 10 percent of males

4 Gonorrhea Cause – Bacteria – through sexual contact
Symptoms – not always obvious Female – slight discharge, burning during urination, abnormal menstruation, abdominal pain or tenderness Males – Whitish discharge, burning while urination, enlarged lymph nodes in groin Symptoms usually appear 3 days to 3 weeks after contact

5 Gonorrhea Symptoms may go away but infection still present in the body
Can be confirmed by medical diagnosis Smear under microscope Treatment - Antibiotics

6 Trichomoniasis Cause – Std caused by tiny one celled parasite
Symptoms – Males have no symptoms, but can be carriers Females – Foamy, yellowish or light green discharge with fishy odor Intense itching, burning during urination

7 Trichomoniasis Symptoms appear to 4 weeks after exposure
Also leads to Vaginitis – a secondary infection Rare in women that are not sexually active

8 Trichomoniasis One celled Parasite

9 Genital Warts Cause – Human papilloma virus
Symptoms – flat or found bumps that look like tiny cauliflowers May appear around the vagina, penis, rectum or scrotum May occur internally in the male urethra or the vagina and cervix in females Extremely contagious

10 Genital Warts

11 Genital Warts Genital warts are 3 times more common than herpes
Can take from 8 weeks to 6 months to appear Usually appear within 1 to 3 months They can rapidly spread Extremely contagious

12 Genital Warts Risks to both Genders
Cancer to the penis, vulva, anus, or throat if left untreated Can spread enough to block vaginal, rectal or throat openings Babies born to mothers with Genital warts may have warts in their throats

13 Genital Warts Treatment – Topical medication, burn warts off, freeze warts Because it is a virus they can come back Prevention - Abstintence

14 Genital Herpes Two types – simplex 1 and simplex 2
Simplex 1 – cold sore or fever blister Simplex 2 – affects genitals Cause – transmitted through direct contact Become contagious 24 hours before blister appears (“erupts”)

15 Genital Herpes Symptoms – Appear 2 to 30 days after exposure
Males - Small blisters on the penis, minor rash and itching the genital area and swollen lymphs in the groin Females – Mild vaginal discharge, blisters on the cervix, vaginal walls, vulva, and buttocks

16 Genital Herpes Symptoms may go unnoticed in females
Flu like symptoms may occur in both sexes Can cause encephalitis in infants born vaginally to mothers wit herpes Link between herpes and cervical cancer

17 Genital Herpes Treatment – No cure for simplex 2
Anti-viral cream and pill Prevention - abstinence

18 Syphilis Cause – Tiny corkscrew shaped microorganism
Symptoms – 4 stages to the infection with different symptoms and consequences Usually appear slowly within 10 to 90 days

19 Syphilis Primary stage – Usually a painless chancre( a round hard sore, pimple or blister) Where the germ enters the body Genitals, anus, lips, breast, etc. Disappear in 1 – 6 weeks

20 Primary Stage Syphilis

21 Syphilis Secondary Stage – Some months later, second stage symptoms may include rash, of brownish red pimples on the soles of the feet or palms of hands Swollen joints, fatigue, hair loss, flu like symptoms At this stage can be spread by any physical contact, such as kissing The symptoms disappear by themselves but disease still active

22 Secondary Stage

23 Latent Stage 3rd Stage – Lasts from 1 to 20 years No visible symptoms
Microorganisms have entered vital organs such as heart an brain

24 Syphilis – Latent stage

25 Late Stage- (Neurosyphilis)
4th stage – This stage where permanent damage to the body becomes apparent May lead to brain damage, insanity, heart disease, paralysis, kidney damage, deafness, blindness, death Can be transmitted fro mother to baby Damages skin, teeth, eyes, and liver of the fetus

26 Syphilis - Last Stage

27 Syphilis Treatment – Cured with penicillin injections
Detected with blood test If detected in early stages it can be cured with no permanent effects Effects in latent stage and late stage can be arrested it cannot be reversed

28 Pubic Lice Pubic Lice – small insects that attach themselves to skin and hair in the pubic region Lice fed on blood and cause intense itching Treatment consists of special medicated shampoo

29 Pubic Lice

30 Scabies Infestation of the skin by mites that cause red, swollen, itchy bumps similar to those found during the primary stage of syphilis Begins 4 to 6 weeks after infection Treatment consists of hot baths and medicated creams

31 Scabies

32 Hepatitis B Caused by a virus that attacks the liver
Can be spread though contact with infected blood No symptoms for 6 months Person may not know they are infected for that 6 months Treatment includes bed rest and healthy diet Vaccine is available

33 Hepatitis B

34 HIV Spread through contact with infected body fluid
Once infected virus stays in body No cure

35 Responsibility of Infected Individuals
Notify all people they have had contact with Get treatment

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