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Europe and the Great Powers.

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2 Europe and the Great Powers.
Great Britain Russia France Italy Austria-Hungary Germany

3 Rivalries: Lots of rivalries in Europe at this time. Countries all want to be strong and they end up competing with each other. Competed over: Navies and Armies Power and influence Land and Empires

4 V Alliance- friendship Triple Entente Triple Alliance Austria-Hungary
France V Great Britain Germany Russia Italy


6 The Spark On June 28, 1914 the assassination of Austria- Hungary’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist sparked the start of the Great War.

7 Alliances The Triple Alliance was created to defend themselves from an attack by the Triple Entente. Germany pledge of full support, or a blank check, to Austria-Hungary saying they would back Austria-Hungary in whatever they choose to do which gave Austria-Hungary the confidence to declare war. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Italy dropped out of the Triple Alliance because the war was offensive not defensive.

8 Declaration of War July 28th 1914 exactly one month after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

9 Fighting Begins The Schileffen Plan was Germany’s strategy to avoid a two front war. Germany planned to defeat France in 6 weeks on the Western Front then mobilize its troop to the more daunting task of defeating Russia on the Eastern Front. Battle of the Marne was the first World War I battle and resulted in an Allied victory against the German Army. Schileffen Plan

10 Alliances Allied Forces Central Powers The Ottoman Empire
Austria-Hungary Germany Bulgaria Italy

11 Propaganda in World War I
Propaganda ensured that people only got to know what their governments wanted them to know about the war. Went to great lengths to blacken the enemy Newspaper headlines were also used to anger public about the enemy.

12 Propaganda in World War I
German soldier bayonets a baby Britain's portrayal of Germany

13 Propaganda in World War I

14 Modes of Communication
The men who served in the war used various modes of communication. Telephones with long wires that linked to switchboards were used. The radio was used widely and Morse Code was transmitted and received. Carrier pigeons were used to transport messages in the heat of battle.

15 Weapons of World War I Airplanes and Machine guns were used for the first time during World War One. Poison gas, tanks, submarines and balloons were also used Weapons

16 Weapons of World War One :
Big Bertha World’s largest cannon developed by Germany at the eve of the war.

17 A French soldier in an early gas mask.
Weapons of World War I British soldiers victims of a poison gas attack. Pictures from:

18 Life in the Trenches Trench warfare was used in the Western front in WWI. Stalemate No Man’s Land Video

19 Life in the Trenches

20 Women in WWI Nurses Factory workers Used in Propaganda Posters

21 Women in WWI Women making machine guns in New Haven, Connecticut
Women inspecting pistol parts in Hartford, Connecticut

22 Where was the USA? The United States were isolationism and believed that they should not get involved in alliances with other nations. The United States also believed that they should avoid war unless in territorial self-defense. The United States also wanted to prevent trade and cultural exchange.

23 Reasons for US Involvement
Inability to remain neutral German submarine warfare Sinking of the Lusitania Economic and Political ties to Great Britain

24 The End of World War I World War One ended in an armistice, an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time Officially ended on June 28, 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles Germany blamed for the war and made to pay huge reparations

25 Death Toll Estimated that 9 million deaths of soldiers
and 7 million deaths of civilians

26 War Damage France, The village buildings completely wrecked by intense fighting between British Allied forces and the German army. France, Extensive damage resulting from the German Army blowing up the street before it departed

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