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SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.

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Presentation on theme: "SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.

M. A. I. N.

3 MILITARISM: Glorification of the military; war was made to be romantic
Countries feel threatened, start building up military Navy was most important branch to build up

4 ALLIANCES: Feeling threatened by expansion & industrialization, countries began to form alliances with each other in case of war TRIPLE ALLIANCE (CENTRAL POWERS): TRIPLE ENTENTE (ALLIED POWERS): FRANCE RUSSIA (1917) GREAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES (1917) SERBIA ITALY (LATER) GERMANY AUSTRIA-HUNGARY OTTOMAN EMPIRE BULGARIA


6 IMPERIALISM: Competition to gain more territory with access to more natural resources and build the largest empire led to tension among nations

7 NATIONALISM: Strong sense of pride for one’s country
Big in France & Germany Strong nationalism in Russia that caused Austria-Hungry to feel threatened Balkan region: highest area of tension due to nationalism (known as the “powder keg of Europe”

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria) Sarajevo, Bosnia June 28, 1914 Assassin: Gavrilo Princip Member of the Black Hand, Serbian nationalist group Austria declares war on Serbia


10 ALLIANCES KICK IN: Austria-Hungary calls on Germany
Serbia asked Russia for help Russia asks France for help Germany declares war on France Germany invades Belgium, Great Britain declares war on Germany


12 WESTERN FRONT: Germany v. France
Began digging trenches to protect their armies from enemy fire (trench warfare) Caused a stalemate; battle lines remained unchanged in France for 4 years

13 BATTLE OF VERDUN: February 21-December 18, 1916 Lasts 10 months
German strategy: to inflict mass casualties on the French in hopes of taking France One of the longest & most devastating battles of the war 976,000 deaths French won

14 TRENCH WARFARE: Aerial of trenches No Man’s Land


16 “going over the top” was the only way to take territory


18 “trench foot”

19 EASTERN FRONT: Germany v. Russia
Russia was the least industrialized great power during WWI Poorly equipped to fight a modern war Russia left war in 1917 due to revolution

Machine guns Long range artillery gun Poison gas Tanks Airplanes Submarines (U-boats)

21 THE END: USA joins Allies, helps Allied Powers win
Germany signed an armistice on Nov. 11, 1918 at 11 AM Paris Peace Conference: *victories Allies met in Paris to decide Europe’s fate *”Big Four:” US, France, Britain, Italy *Wilson wanted “peace without victory” *Fourteen Points *League of Nations

22 TREATY OF VERSAILLES: Forced Germany to sign in June 1919 Provisions:
*War-Guilt Clause *Reparations ($30 billion) *Limited German military *took away German claimed territory Mandate system: territories that would be administered by Western powers; became European colonies

23 EUROPE IN SHAMBLES: Because of stress of war, governments collapsed in: 1. Russia 2. Germany 3. Austria-Hungary 4. Ottoman Empire

24 HAPSBURG DYNASTY: Family that ruled in Austria-Hungary for many centuries Collapsed after WWI due to food shortages, unstable government, influenced by Russian Revolution, and toll of war

25 ROMANOV DYNASTY: Rulers of Russia from 1613 until the Russian Revolution WW1 caused tension among the Russians which led to revolt Tsar Nicholas thought WW1 would help rebuild & industrialize Russia War left Russians starving, soldiers were poorly equipped, men forced to fight

26 COST OF WAR: More than 8.5 million men died in battle
About 18 million had been wounded, many left disabled for life 6-13 million civilians lost their lives Most countries put all their money & resources into war, were left poor and dissatisfied (about $208 million) Lost an entire generation of men

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