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EASTERN HEMISPHERE WHI.10. Vocabulary: Things to Know  Textile  Amber  Porcelain  Water wheel  Windmill  Lateen sail  Archipelago  Shinto  Animism.

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Presentation on theme: "EASTERN HEMISPHERE WHI.10. Vocabulary: Things to Know  Textile  Amber  Porcelain  Water wheel  Windmill  Lateen sail  Archipelago  Shinto  Animism."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary: Things to Know  Textile  Amber  Porcelain  Water wheel  Windmill  Lateen sail  Archipelago  Shinto  Animism

3 Textile  Cloth or woven material

4 Amber  Fossilized tree sap used in medicine and jewelry

5 Porcelain  Strong, ceramic material made from clay

6 Water wheel  Machine that uses energy from flowing water

7 Windmill  Machine that uses energy from wind

8 Lateen sail  Triangular sail used on sailing ships. Makes ships easier to move & steer

9 Archipelago  Chain of islands

10 Shinto  Japanese religion with beliefs in natural forces and spirits. “Way of the Gods.”

11 Animism  Belief that humans, non-humans, and natural phenomena have spirits or souls

12 Japan  Archipelago  Isolated Little change  Little land, resources  Near mainland Asia  Shinto (Shintoism)  Only in Japan  Natural world Spirits Ancestors  Practice with Buddhism  Emperor Worshipped as a god

13 Japan  Cultural diffusion  Very little Japan borrows & adapts  Mainly From China Writing Style Buddhism Architecture


15 Japan  Government  Emperor Religious  Feudal system  Shoguns True rulers Landowners  Frequent wars Land Samurai Ninjas

16 Japan  Way of the Warrior  Military culture  Bushido Courage Benevolence Respect Honesty Honor Loyalty Rectitude (moral behavior) Wisdom

17 Guided Reading pp. 303-307 (skip “Life in the Heian Period”)

18 African Civilizations

19 Axum (100 C.E. – 900 C.E.) Location: Near the Nile River and present-day Ethiopia Religion: Christianity Mediterranean Nile River Arabia Red Sea Indian Ocean

20 Zimbabwe (1220-1450) Location: Sub-Saharan Africa near the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers and the Indian Ocean Capital City: “Great Zimbabwe” Zambezi River Limpopo River Great Zimbabwe

21 West African Kingdoms Kingdoms/Empires: 1.Ghana (300 C.E. – 1200 C.E.) 2.Mali (1200 C.E. – 1500 C.E.) 3.Songhai (1430 C.E. – 1600 C.E.)

22 West African Kingdoms Location: Near the Sahara Desert and Niger River Trading Center: Timbuktu was the center of trade and learning;  gold and salt were important goods

23 West African Kingdoms Religions: Islam, Animism

24 Sahara Desert Niger River Axum Zimbabwe Ghana Mali Songhai Timbuktu Zambezi River Limpopo River Great Zimbabwe

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