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Pythagoras (582-500 BCE)  Ionian philosopher & mathematician  Founder of Pythagoreanism on the island of Croton (island in S. Italy)... Where the meeting.

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2 Pythagoras (582-500 BCE)  Ionian philosopher & mathematician  Founder of Pythagoreanism on the island of Croton (island in S. Italy)... Where the meeting places were burned when followers of his theories got involved in politics. Achievements: (doubts about how much really HIS vs from his followers)  development of many math principles  intervals in a musical scale  right-angled triangle

3 Thales of Miletus  Identified by Aristotle as the founder of “natural philosophy”  Interested in everything; proposed many theories re: natural phenomena and astronomy  5 geometric theorems Euclid of Alexandria (365-300 BCE)  ”Father of Geometry” (13 books)  Text: Elements used until early 20 th century  had school in Egypt  May have attended Plato’s Academy in Athens

4 Archimedes (287-212 BCE) studied in Egypt (Alexandria); influenced by eastern thinkers  proved how to find the circumference of a circle pi = 3.142...  Principle of levers: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."

5  objects weigh less in water; the difference in an object’s weight = the weight of water that has been displaced This was one smart ancient dude...Unfortunately, he was killed by a Roman soldier (despite instructions that he not be harmed) in the 2 nd Punic war, at Syracuse.

6  various unknowns-approach to med. became more scientific & less spiritual; studied symptoms ; learned about herbs, drugs, ointments; diet, exercise, patient comfort all part of healing Hippocrates (460-377 BCE) -“father” of medicine -founded medical school -contributed to diagnosis of quinsy (supportive tonsillitis)and epilepsy -established scientific approach; set high standards of professional conduct - Hippocratic Oath a code of conduct for medical graduates

7 Aristarchus (310-230 BCE) -1 st with idea that earth moved around sun Hipparchus (165-125 BCE) -calculated moon took 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2.5seconds to travel around earth (less than 1 second out) unknown... -knew moon travelled around earth & that earth was round -solar year of 365 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes, 12 seconds (only 6 mins, 26 seconds longer than we know it to be)

8 Sophistry  Grew out of the democratic system in Athens  Supported the arts of persuasion: rhetoric, grammar, diction, logical argument  Accused of infecting Athenian youth with irony and cynicism, and of spreading foreign “broad-mindedness”. ($$$)  Believed that virtue, morality and truth are relative to circumstance = subjective

9  Questioned many, even most accepted ideas  Socratic method (forced logical thinking and reasoning)  “The unexamined life is not worth living”  Goal: to expose ignorance and find truth  Not wealthy; did not charge $

10  Believed in a “soul” (intellectual/moral character)  Questioned motives and behaviour of the gods  Debated existence of the numerous gods  Charged with atheism: sentenced to exile or death

11  Aristocrat; grew up (and fought) during Peloponnesian wars, well educated (athletic, studied painting, poetry, music, literature, drama).  Turned to philosophy vs politics; Socrates’ student.  Lived outside Athens for 10yrs b/c of anti- Socratic feeling

12 The Academy: school established by Plato  Wrote many works “Dialogues” with Socrates as main character (S never left any writings)  Tried to explain love, beauty, justice & “the Good”  Aesthetics: the artist imitates the ideal; Art is the search for beauty.  Wrote “The Republic” (first political science book) State could only achieve “the Good” if every citizen adopted truth, wisdom, courage & moderation.

13  "Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophise, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils,... nor, I think, will the human race." ( Republic 473c-d)

14  Middle-class family, orphaned young (father a physician to Alexander the Great’s grandpa)  Studied at the Academy (age 18)  Married & became a tutor of Alex (the not-yet Great); taught him to admire all things Greek  Set up Lyceum (school) in Athens after Alex becomes king of Macedonia (and after Plato’s death)

15  Writer  Researched physics, astronomy, biology, zoology, physiology, anatomy, natural history, psychology, politics, ethics, logic, rhetoric, art, astronomy, meteorology, theology & metaphysics  Art imitates nature; beauty is part of art, not its purpose… purpose of art is to give pleasure

16  Humans are animals so the good life lays in satisfying one’s animal needs; since those needs can be a problem, a wise person will have as few (needs) as possible, but won’t let anything stand in the way of satisfying them.  Diogenes (leader)

17  Founded by Zeno  Humans thought to be the incarnation of reason. The good life follows reason, wisdom and virtue. Only througt renunciation and asceticism (the simple life) could one achieve them.  None of Zeno’s writings survive.

18  Founded by Epicurus  Human beings are a temporary arrangement of atoms that dissolve at death. Since everything is temp- orary, the good life is just one with out troubles. Therefore, one should avoid entanglements, stay healthy, tolerate pain and accept death without fear.

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