Deviance and Social Control Chapter 8. Social Control n Sanctions – Informal and Formal n ____________ – Going along with peers n ____________ – Complying.


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Presentation transcript:

Deviance and Social Control Chapter 8

Social Control n Sanctions – Informal and Formal n ____________ – Going along with peers n ____________ – Complying with an authority

Obedience: Milgram (1963) n “ ____________ ” experiment n Seeking explanation for NAZI’s n Predictions: – Psychiatrists … ______ percent – General Public … _______ percent n Reality: – _______ percent delivered all shocks!

Deviance n What is it? – Determined by ____________ – Time/Place – Social ____________ n Beauty Myth

Functions Purposes of Deviant Behavior – Group ____________ – Distinguish behavior – Ease ____________ – Create ____________ – Jobs

Functionalist Perspective n Structural Strain “______” Theory n Robert K. Merton – ____________ n Conformer-A/A n ____________ n Ritualist-R/A n ____________

Interactionist Perspective n Cultural ____________ Theory – (Differential Association) – Edwin Sutherland – Deviance ____________

Interactionist Perspective n ____________ Theory – Howard Becker – Primary / Secondary Deviance ________ Deviant _________ Accused _________ Deviant _________ Perceived as Deviant NOT Perceived as Deviant ObedientNorm Breaker

n ____________ Theory – Travis Hirschi (& Durkheim) – Deviance is ____________ – Community Bonds reduce deviance Interactionist Perspective

Conflict Perspective n Richard Quinney n People in Power make rules based on ____________ morals – Ex: ____________ n ____________ is unfair to poor and minorities

Feminist Perspective n Similar to ____________ …$$ rules! – Men have more $$, make rules – Women ____________ to report crimes – Women viewed ____________ n Ex: SEX - ____________ – Women: Less arrests due to fewer opportunities in business & power

n ____________ - Misdemeanor n Violent Crimes n ____________ Crime n Organized Crime n ____________ Crimes??

AMERICAN CRIMINAL-JUSTICE SYSTEM Police have the most control over who is arrested for crimes; use police discretion, which has raised the controversial issue of racial profiling Courts determines the accused’s guilt or innocence in a court trial and then assigns a punishment; actually settles 90 percent of cases through plea bargaining Corrections includes probation, imprisonment, parole; serves four functions— retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and social protection Juvenile-Justice System applies to offenders younger than 18; guarantees juvenile defendants the same legal rights and privileges as adults; often provides more services

Crime Rates (Statistics) n Men v. Women – Female arrests increasing n ____________ n Decline Nationally n National Crime ____________ Surveys