Militant Catholicism in the Age of Reformation. Catholic Church Today What! Seriously?


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Presentation transcript:

Militant Catholicism in the Age of Reformation

Catholic Church Today What! Seriously?

Militant Catholicism in the Age of Reformation What does that mean? Why does it matter? About what time period are we talking?

Medieval Roman Catholic Church Was the only Christian church in most of Europe The people of Europe were very devout Everyone was concerned about going to heaven Catholics believe in Purgatory-a place between heaven and hell where a soul stays until the person has done penance for any sins

Abuses in the Catholic Church Clergy was poorly trained and often illiterate Higher ranking clergy were more interested in materialism (lifestyle) Popes needed lots of money to pay for lifestyle, wars, and beautiful cathedrals Often clergy bought their positions-simony Indulgences were sold as penance for sins, but often paid for Church projects

Merchants and the Catholic Church Because of trade with Middle East, merchants needed to borrow money to pay for ships and trading goods The Catholic church banned usury Usury=lending money at interest Merchants resented they could only borrow money from non-Christian moneylenders They began to demand changes. Some set up banks to lend money-de Medicis

Italian domination of the Catholic Church Italians filled many of the high positions in the Catholic Church- bishops, archbishops, popes All members of Catholic Church had to tithe 10% of their income Most money went to high clergy positions or to Rome (Italians) German princes and English royalty disliked Italian domination of the Church Wanted money to stay in their lands

Church’s Political Power Catholic church owned HUGE amounts of land throughout Europe-- probably more than 30% They paid no taxes on this land High ranking clergy held political/feudal positions in many lands increasing the Church ’ s power The pope ruled as a political leader-he ruled a large part of Italy-the Papal States. He often fought wars to control and expand his holdings.

Indulgences Were sold by the Church as a penance for sins Much of the money went to the pope The pope needed money to build St. Peter ’ s Basilica in Rome He sent Johan Tetzel to Germany to sell indulgences He sent other priests throughout Europe

Indulgences To sell more indulgences, Tetzel claimed they could get a dead person ’ s soul out of Purgatory “ The moment a coin in the coffer rings, a soul to heaven springs ” Many were outraged by Tetzel ’ s selling technique, including Martin Luther This led to the Reformation

Militant Catholicism in the Age of Reformation What does that mean?

Time when Catholic Church felt under attack during the Age of Reform. You should be asking yourself: What happened to make the church feel like it was under attack? You can answer yourself: the age of the Renaissance happened - when people began to question the basis of authority - the church’s automatic authority. They began to think more of individualism.

Militant Catholicism in the Age of Reformation From roughly One prime example of militant Catholicism during the Age of Reformation is the mid 1500s under Phillip II of Spain. Spain is a strongly Catholic nation. They see themselves as nation chosen to protect Christianity from Protestantism. Phillip becomes the greatest advocate of militant Catholicism and ushers in an age of Spanish greatness and power. Insists on strict conformity to Catholicism and adherence to dictates of monarchy About what time period are we talking?

Why does it matter? It is this time of Reformation that will cause the nation- state building of Europe -when Europe begins to become the type of Europe of which you know.

One last note: Make sure you understand: This is not just about the Catholics v Protestants religions. This is about multiple, ugly wars, snaky politics, and revolutionary ideas all based in religion and it will be between many religions. This will be between: Catholics v Protestants Jesuits Catholics v. Dominican Catholics Lutheran Protestants v Calvinist Protestants Lutheran Protestants v Anibaptist Protestants Calvinist Protestants v Anibaptist Protestants Zwiglian Protestants v. Lutheran Protestants Orthodox Catholics v. Roman Catholics Anglican Protestants v. Roman Catholics and there will be continuing prejudice agianst Jews and Muslims.

One last note: This is about the history of man and how mankind has changed because of man and new ideas - especially ideas based on religion