Weather Review. Air Masses Air Mass – A large body of air through which temperature and moisture are the same. Types 1. Continental – formed over land.


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Presentation transcript:

Weather Review

Air Masses Air Mass – A large body of air through which temperature and moisture are the same. Types 1. Continental – formed over land 2. Maritime – formed of water 3. Polar – formed near the poles 4. Tropical – formed near the equator

Dry and Warm Dry and Cold Moist and Warm Moist and Cold

Front – A place where two air masses meet.

Air move from high pressure to low pressure! Sea Breeze Land breeze

Measures Temperature Measures Amount of Precipitation Measures Humidity (Moisture) Measures Wind Speed Measures Wind Direction Measures Atmospheric pressure Measures Wind Direction

Life Cycle of a Thunderstorm

Radiation Heat transfer by electromagnetic waves.

Wavelengths shorter than visible light are absorbed in the upper atmosphere. Solar radiation is absorbed by Earth’s surface or reflected back into the atmosphere (albedo).

What is conduction? Conduction is heat transfer through a material. The layer of air on Earth’s surface is heated by contact with earth.

What is convection? Convection is the movement of matter due to differences in density caused by temperature differences. Warm fluids rise, cool fluids sink.

What is Earth’s heat budget? The amount of energy entering the Earth via the sun is approximately the same as the amount of energy exiting the Earth.

What is the Greenhouse Effect? The greenhouse effect is the warming of Earth that occurs when carbon dioxide and water vapor in the air absorb radiation.