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How does energy transfer through our atmosphere?

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Presentation on theme: "How does energy transfer through our atmosphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does energy transfer through our atmosphere?
Heat Transfer How does energy transfer through our atmosphere?

2 Solar Energy The sun is the source of all energy in Earth’s atmosphere
The energy is transferred in three ways: Radiation Conduction Convection

3 Radiation Radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves Anything with a temp above 0K radiates energy The earth absorbs 50% of the sun’s radiation Radiation does not directly heat the atmosphere

4 Conduction Conduction occurs between two objects that are in contact with each other Example – pot on stove The lowest layers of the atmosphere are heated by conduction

5 Convection Convection is the flow of energy through a heated substance
The heated substance rises as it loses density The substance cools at the top of a cycle, compresses to increase density, and sinks The cycle repeats as long as there is heat transfer to the substance


7 Temperature vs. Heat Temperature is the measure of how quickly molecules move Heat is the transfer of energy between two substances in contact Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature


9 Dew Point The temperature air must be cooled at constant pressure to reach saturation is the Dew Point Saturated air cannot hold any more water vapor When air reaches its dew point, Condensation occurs, causing rain or other precipitation

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