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Atmospheric Heat Convection, The Sun & Wind

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Heat Convection, The Sun & Wind"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Heat Convection, The Sun & Wind
Objectives: Can I recognize events caused by heat convection? How is the sun’s energy and wind connected?

2 Atmosphere: A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon
Majority of the sun’s energy is absorbed by the land and ocean when it enters the atmosphere.

3 Conduction Transfer of thermal energy through a material.

4 Radiation Transfer of energy through waves.
The suns rays travel in the form of radiation to earth. (Solar Energy)

5 Atmospheric Heat Convection:
thermal energy circulates in the atmosphere (through gas or liquid) 5

6 Differences

7 Which one? Conduction Convection Radiation

8 Which one? Conduction Convection Radiation

9 Which one? Conduction Convection Radiation

10 Conduction, Convection, Radiation?

11 Convection: Warm Air Rises Cold Air Sinks 11

12 Convection Warm air is less dense than cold air which makes it rise.
Cold air is more dense which makes it sink.

13 Air Pressure The closer an object is to the surface of earth the greater air pressure.

14 Air Pressure At what point will there be the greatest air pressure?

15 Air Pressure At which point will there be the greatest amount of air pressure?

16 Barometer Measures air pressure.

17 The Wind Moving air- caused by differences in air pressure when the atmosphere is warmed by the sun. The greater the pressure difference the faster the wind moves. 17

18 Sea and Land Breeze During the day:
Air over ocean is cooler….Air over land warmer. Warm air rises and moves toward the ocean. During the night: Air over ocean is warmer…Air over land is cooler. Warm air rises and moves toward land.

19 Reality Check Can I recognize events caused by heat convection?
How is the sun’s energy and wind connected?

20 Warm air rises at the equator and sinks at the poles because more solar energy is received at the equator. The sun’s energy creates pressures differences in the Earth’s atmosphere. As high pressure areas are created around the poles, cold polar air (wind) will flow toward the equator causing the wind. H L

21 8. Types of Winds:

22 Heat transfer in our World!!!

23 Reality Check: Can I recognize events caused by heat convection?
How is the sun’s energy and wind connected?

24 Review Questions:

25 1. What happens to majority of the sun’s energy that reaches the Earth’s atmosphere?
It is absorbed by the land and oceans It is reflected by the clouds and air It is absorbed by the ozone layer It is reflected by the Earth’s surface

26 2.Which best describes the wind?
Essential the water cycle Moving air Static air near the ocean’s surface A difference in air temperature

27 3. Why does warm air rise and cold air sink?
Because warm air is less dense than cold air. Because cold air is less dense than warm air Because warm air is denser than cold air Because warm air has less pressure than cold air

28 4. Convection is the method by which most _____energy circulates in the atmosphere.
Thermal Nuclear Kinetic Potential

29 5. Air is warmer and less dense around the equator because the equator receives more _____.
Air pressure Wind Solar energy Green house gas

30 6. When the atmosphere is warmed by the sun, changes in air pressure results in the ______.
Wind Clouds Humidity Precipitation

31 7. What causes the air rising from the land to be warm?
Heat from the sun Heat from Electricity Heat from a hot spring Heat from decomposition

32 8. The following happens the atmosphere:
Solar Energy---Warm air rises----air cools in upper atmosphere and sinks---air currents This process can be described as Wind formation (through heat convection) Cloud formation

33 Heat Convection Lab:

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