Dr Kishor Bhanushali Associate Professor


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Presentation transcript:

Dr Kishor Bhanushali Associate Professor Unitedworld School of Business Mob: 9898422620 Email: kishorkisu@gmail.com

Content……… Introduction of the Research Thinking like a researcher Ethics in Research and Research process Contemporary Research Trends Research Proposal Research design Measurement and Scaling in Research, Research Methodology – Objectives and Variables Identification, Hypotheses Formulation

What is Research…………? Search for knowledge Scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic Systematized effort to gain new knowledge Movement from the known to the unknown An original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement Objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research

Defining Research…….. Clifford Woody: “research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis”

What is objective of research…..? Familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (exploratory or formulative) Understand the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group (descriptive) Frequency of occurrence and its association (diagnostic) Causal relationship between variables (hypothesis-testing)

What is research methodology….? Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them When we talk of research methodology we not only talk of the research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods we use in the context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using others so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others.

Characteristics of Research It gathers new knowledge or data from primary or first-hand sources. It places emphasis upon the discovery of general principles. It is an exact systematic and accurate investigation. It uses certain valid data gathering devices. It is logical and objective. The researcher resists the temptation to seek only the data that support his hypotheses. The researcher eliminates personal feelings and preferences. It endeavors to organize data in quantitative terms. Research is patient and unhurried activity. The researcher is willing to follow his procedures to the conclusions that may be unpopular and bring social disapproval. Research is carefully recorded and reported. Conclusions and generalizations are arrived at carefully and cautiously.

Research Thinking A sound philosophy of social studies as the basis of research Research is based on insight and imagination Research requires an inter-disciplinary approach Research usually employs deductive reasoning process Research should come out of a desire to do things better Research is not as exact as research in physical science Research is not the field of the specialist only Research generally requires inexpensive material Research is based on the subjectivity and intangibility of social phenomena Research is based on inter dependence of causes and effect Research cannot be a mechanical process

Criteria of Good Research Clearly defined purpose of the research Clearly stated the research procedure used Carefully planned procedural design Frankness in research report Adequate analysis of data Justified conclusions Experience, reputation and integrity of researcher Good research is systematic Good research is logical Good research is empirical Good research is replicable

Good Researcher……. He should be sensitive in his nature. He should be problem-minded. He should have mastery on the area and should have specialization in the field studied. He should have a scientific outlook about the area. He should have deep insight into the educational process. He should be able to think reflectively on the field studied. He should have tolerance and patience. He should be interested in the field studied. He should be honest and devotee to his work. He should have the curiosity to find out something new or to answer some questions which are still to be answered.

Problems Encountered by Researchers in India The lack of a scientific training in the methodology of research Insufficient interaction between the university research departments on one side and business establishments, government departments and research institutions on the other side Lack of confidence of business units on researchers Overlapping research studies Lack of code of conduct for researchers Difficulty of adequate and timely secretarial assistance Unsatisfactory library management Difficulty in availability of data and data quality Problem of conceptualization

How to select research problem….? Novelty and avoidance of unnecessary duplications. Importance for the field represented and implementation Interest, intellectual curiosity, and drive. Training and personal qualifications. Availability of data and method. Special equipment and working conditions. Approachability of the sample. Sponsorship and administrative cooperation. Hazards, penalties and handicaps. Cost and returns. Time factor.

Think……. Is the problem really important? Is the problem interesting to others? Is the chosen problem a real problem? Does the problem display originality and creativeness? Am I really concerned with finding the solution? Am I able to state hypotheses from the problem in a testable form? Will I learn something new from this problem? Do I understand the relationship of this specific problem to the broader problem area? Will be able to select a sample from which I can generalize to some population? Will some other intelligent person be able to replicate the study? Will my proposed data-gathering instruments actually give the Information which I want? Is the study, including the application of its results, practical?

Ethics in Research Honesty Objectivity Integrity Carefulness Openness Respect for Intellectual Property Confidentiality Responsible Publication Responsible Mentoring Respect for colleagues Social Responsibility Non-Discrimination Competence Legality Voluntary participation

Unitedworld School of Business Dr Kishor Bhanushali Associate Professor Unitedworld School of Business Mob: 9898422620 Email: kishorkisu@gmail.com