Stay Safe in Cyberspace By: Mrs. Marple
Never Give out personal information. Such as: Your home address Your phone number The name and location of your school I live at 1400 North Mountain Rd, Harrisburg, Pa
It’s a Secret Only tell your Mom and Dad your password!!!
Never Send a picture of yourself to a stranger Put your picture on any websites
Agree to meet someone you have met on line. They may not be who they say they are. Never I’m Brad Pitt and I can’t wait to meet you!!
True or False People can say anything online or through texting I’m 14!!
Who sent this?? Never Open s or attachments from people you do not know! Open s from companies that you have not contacted first
Ask your parents before Installing any software or downloading any programs Downloading music or movies Buying anything online YUM, YUM
I’m Watching Will Grandma, your teacher or future boss like what they see?
Respect Others Do not take or post pictures of friends in embarrassing situations Next time it could be you !!
Talk Tell your parents, teacher or trusted adult if anything online or on the phone makes you uncomfortable
Protect Against Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is when someone tries to hurt another person using computer technology They may use……
Cyberbullying s Texting Instant messaging Chat rooms Gaming Social network sites such as Facebook or MySpace
Never Never send a mean message I DON’T LIKE MY MATH TEACHER Once you say it, it’s out there Remember
Cyberbullying Do not open messages from someone who has bullied you.
Cyberbullying What do I do if I get a bullying message? Show a parent or a trusted adult
Cyberbullying Do not forward or answer a bullying message. I’m not answering this
Remember Do not retaliate or try to get back at a bully. Don’t write to anyone when you are angry. Block messages from anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.
Sites to See
Be Cool! Stay Safe in Cyberspace!
Works Cited “The Mini Page” from the Patriot News Thursday, June 19, 2008