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Safer Internet Day 2017 Be the change: unite for a better internet

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Presentation on theme: "Safer Internet Day 2017 Be the change: unite for a better internet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safer Internet Day 2017 Be the change: unite for a better internet
What do you think this slogan means?

2 What is the importance of Safer Internet Day
What is the importance of Safer Internet Day? Why should we raise awareness? What could happen if we didn’t raise awareness?

3 Tips for being safe when using the internet
What ways can you think of to stay safe when using the internet?

4 Tips for being safe when using the internet:
Use a computer in view of trusted adults (never hide away in your room) Tell your adults who you are talking to NEVER meet a stranger you talk to online, in person, without your parents’/carers’ approval and company Don’t open attachments from unknown s Install anti-virus software if possible

5 Tips for being safe when using the internet:
Don’t post personal information e.g. address, current location, school name, photo, phone numbers, address etc. Be aware of your privacy settings and keep them as high as possible Never give out passwords Don’t befriend people you don’t know (even ‘friends of a friend’) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online

6 Tips for being safe when using the internet:
Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone, you mustn’t be rude If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried, tell a trusted adult Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself as once it’s posted others can view and download it and it’s not yours anymore

7 Cyberbullying: What is it? What should I do if it happens to me?
One of the most common forms of modern day bullying

8 Concerns – Who do I report to?
Tell a trusted adult Report concerns to the website Websites such as can offer advice

9 The internet can be a great place…
So remember, be…


11 Thank you for listening :D

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