Lesson 27 Vocabulary. Shortage Word in Context: When there is a shortage of gas, the lines at the gas station are long. Definition: If there is not enough.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 27 Vocabulary


Word in Context: When there is a shortage of gas, the lines at the gas station are long. Definition: If there is not enough of something. There is a shortage of it.

Your Turn Complete the sentence below, write your word on your board. Be sure your answer reflects the meaning of the word and fits the context of the sentence. If there is a shortage of ___________, people may go hungry. food


Word in Context: Cheetahs are alert when they are wide awake. They are ready to take action. Definition: To be alert is to be wide awake and paying attention.

Your Turn Let’s look at some different actions. On your boards write down the actions that can be described as being alert. Ears upwatching another animalsleeping Yawningstanding upgrowling quietly Lying downeyes wide open


Word in Context: A forest offers many opportunities, or chances, for a career or volunteer work. Definition: Opportunities are chances for a person to do something.

Your Turn Using your white boards, write one synonym for the word opportunities.


Word in Context: You should carefully introduce a new pet to the other pets in your house. Definition: When you introduce people, you present them to each other for the first time.

Your Turn On your white boards, write which sentence uses the word, introduce correctly. 1 or 2? 1. Paul and Kevin have known each other for years, so you should introduce them. 2. The principal will introduce the speaker to the audience.


Word in Context: When you come to a new school, it is important to feel included, or accepted, within a group of other children. Definition: If someone is included in a group, he or she is part of that group.

Your Turn On your white boards, write down an antonym of the word included. excludedleft out rejected


Word in Context: Moviemakers use cameras to focus, or concentrate, on each film shot. Definition: To focus on something is to pay attention to that thing.

Your Turn The word focus can be used as a noun or a verb. Which of the following definitions defines focus as a verb? Write 1 or 2 answer on your board. 1.A thing or place that is of greatest interest or importance 2.To fix one’s attention toward a specific object.


Word in Context: Drinking water for wild animals is sometimes scarce, or hard to find. Definition: If something is scarce, there is not enough of it.

Your Turn On your white board, write down ONE antonym of the word scarce. plentiful generous abundant A lot


Word in Context: The continent of North America is made up of three countries, Canada, United States, and Mexico. Definition: A continent is one of the main landmasses of Earth.

Your Turn Which of the following sentences uses the word, continent correctly? Write the number on your white board. 1.Maria is visiting relatives on the continent of South America. 2.I rode my bike around the continent I four hours.


Word in Context: There are many different species of sharks, such as the hammerhead and the Great White. Definition: A species is a group of organisms that produces organisms of the same kind.

Your Turn Which of the following are synonyms of the word species? Write your answers on your board. kindelephantstype dogsgroupsharks


Word in Context: If someone betrayed you, he or she let you down. Definition: If you have betrayed someone, you have done something to disappoint or let that person down.

Your Turn On your white boards, complete the following sentence to make is true. (Think about something that would cause betrayal) 1. When he hear a ___________, he knew his friend had betrayed him. truthliediscussionring lie