19/02/20101 Subjects & Verbs in Sentences Capítulo 3 Tercer Paso.


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Presentation transcript:

19/02/20101 Subjects & Verbs in Sentences Capítulo 3 Tercer Paso

19/02/20102 English Sentences u In English, sentences have a subject and a verb. u The subject is the person or thing that is being described or is doing something. u The verb is the action word like run or sing, or a word like, am, is, or are that links the subject to a description.

19/02/20103 Examples: u Mrs. Perez is tall. u She is nice. subject verb

19/02/20104 Spanish Sentences u In Spanish, sentences also have a subject and a verb.

19/02/20105 Examples: u La señora Perez es alta. u Ella es simpática. subject verb

19/02/20106 English & Spanish u Both languages use nouns as subjects. u Nouns can be replaced with pronouns. u Some examples of Spanish pronouns you have seen and used are él, ella, and tú.

19/02/20107 Examples: u Juan es un compañero de clase. u Él es mi mejor amigo. u Juan is a classmate. u He is my best friend.

19/02/20108 English & Spanish u English sentences always have a subject or a subject pronoun. u In Spanish, the subject or the subject pronoun can be left out if everyone knows who you are talking about.

19/02/20109 Examples: u María is dark-haired. u She is short. u María es morena. u Es baja. Ella can be left out. ¡A practicar ahora!

19/02/ Spanish Subject Pronouns Capítulo 3 Tercer Paso

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u The subject of a sentence tells who is being described or doing something. u You often use people’s names as the subject: u Channing Tatum es guapo. u La profesora Butcher no es estricta.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u You also use subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) to tell who is being described or doing an action. u The subject pronouns replace people’s names. u Here are all the Spanish subject pronouns.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u yo I u tú you u usted you u él he u ella she u nosotros we u nosotras we (all females) u vosotros you all u vosotras you all (all females) u ustedes you all u ellos they u ellas they (all females)

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u Tú, usted, ustedes, and vosotros(as) all mean “you.” u Use tú with family, friends, people your age or younger, and anyone you call by his or her first name.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u Use usted with adults you address with a title, such as señor, señora, profesor(a), etc. Usted is usually written as Ud.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u In Latin America, use ustedes when speaking to two or more people, regardless of age. Ustedes is usually written as Uds.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u In Spain, use vosotros(as) when speaking to two or more people you call tú individually: u tú + tú = vosotros(as) u Use ustedes when talking to two or more people you call usted individually.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns – “You” u 5 ways of saying “you”: u  Singular forms: tú & usted (Ud.) u  Plural forms: vosotros(as) & ustedes (Uds.)

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u The following people have asked you how you are: ¿Cómo estás? u Answer, then ask how they are, using the appropriate equivalent for YOU: Bien, gracias, y ________? u Your cousin, Ana u Your teacher, Sra. Ramos u Your father u Your friends u Sr. and Sra. Cisneros u Judge López

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u If a group is made up of males only or of both males and females together, use the masculine forms: u nosotros, vosotros, ellos.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u You can combine a subject pronoun and a name to form a subject.

19/02/ Subject Pronouns u Alejandro y yo = nosotros u Carlos y ella = ellos u Pepe y tú = ustedes u Lola y ella = ellas

19/02/ ¿Cuál pronombre? (Which pronoun?) u Which subject pronoun would you use to SPEAK ABOUT the following? u Cecilia, una amiga u tía Laura y tío Pablo u Federico y Luis u María y Irene u Marcos, un amigo u Marcos y Cecilia u Yo, un amigo, y una amiga

19/02/ ¿Cuál pronombre? (Which pronoun?) u Which subject pronoun would you use to SPEAK ABOUT the following? la señora Sánchez y el señor García Gloria y Estefania Bárbara Clara y Sergio

19/02/ FIN