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Pronouns take the place of:

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1 Pronouns take the place of:
SUBJECT PRONOUNS Pronouns take the place of: NOUNS

2 Subject: The Subject of a sentence tells WHO is doing the action.
Often you use peoples names as the subject Gregory listens to music. Ana sings and dances.

3 Subject Pronouns Gregory listens to music. Ana sings and dances.

4 Subject Pronouns Yo I Nosotros we (masc.) Nosotras we (fem.)
Tú you (familiar) Usted you (formal) Vosotros you all (masc.) Vosotras you all (fem.) Ustedes you all (formal) Él he Ella she Ellos they (masc.) Ellas they (fem.)

5 Tú family or friends (pets too!) people your own age or younger
anyone you call by their first name. Where have you heard ‘tú’ used before?

6 Usted Adults you address with a title (Mr. Mrs. Miss or Ms.)
Señor, Señora, Señorita, Profesora Usted is usually written as Ud. Can you think of an example of someone at SLMS you would use ‘Ud.’ to address?

7 Vosotros Used only in Spain, and a few parts of S. America
Informal (like _______) Speaking to a group of people Look at your chart…What pronoun do you think is used in countries that do not use Vosotros?

8 Ustedes The plural form of Usted (more than one person)
Normally written as Uds. Used when talking to a group of people you would address as “ustedes” Can you think of an example of a group of people at SLMS you would use ‘Uds.’ to address?

9 Subject Pronouns Alejandro y yo = Carlos y ella = Pepe y tú =
Lola y ella = Yo y tú = Mis amigos y yo = Mi familia =

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