First Steps into Coaching  Slide 1 First Steps into Coaching.


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Presentation transcript:

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 1 First Steps into Coaching

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 2 First Steps into Coaching Video 1: Getting Involved

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 3 Why Get Involved in Coaching? Discuss in a small group why you want to get involved in coaching Consider: what brought you here today why you are considering getting involved what experience (if any) you have

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 4 Workshop Outcomes By the end of this workshop, you should: understand the different roles within coaching; in particular the role of a coach’s helper be aware of the knowledge, skills and qualities required to take your first steps into coaching have addressed some misconceptions about coaching have a clear idea of what your next step will be

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 5 Who are sports coach UK? sports coach UK is a charity that helps to look after coaches and promote coaching in the UK Our mission is to recruit, develop and retain coaches to achieve their participation and performance goals

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 6 What is Sports Coaching? the consistent guided development of participants to achieve their own personal goals What is the role of a sports coach? A sports coach is an individual involved in the direction, instruction and training of the operations of a sports team or an individual Coaching is:

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 7 Roles Within Coaching Lead coach A coach with a Level 2 coaching qualification or above A person who is qualified to prepare, deliver and review coaching sessions A lead coach can work without supervision

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 8 Roles Within Coaching Assistant coach A coach with a Level 1 coaching qualification A person who assists more qualified coaches in delivering aspects of coaching sessions, normally under the supervision of a lead coach

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 9 Roles Within Coaching Coach’s helper A coach’s helper is someone who is interested in coaching, but currently unqualified, who supports a qualified coach A coach’s helper will always work under the direct supervision of a qualified coach

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 10 The role of a coach’s helper will vary depending on the sport, but could involve: setting up equipment for the session supporting individuals and small groups supporting and reinforcing the coach’s instructions ensuring every participant is involved taking part in warm-ups and cool-downs What Does a Coach’s Helper Do?

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 11 Roles Within Coaching People being coached Assistant coach Lead coach Coach’s helper Assistant coach

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 12 Becoming a Coach’s Helper For most people new to coaching, this will be the first step A coach’s helper will not be asked to plan or lead a session You can learn from more experienced coaches while you gain confidence and experience You can start helping immediately

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 13 First Steps into Coaching Video 2: What Makes a Good Coach?

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 14 You might enjoy working with people of all ages and abilities, including the following groups: children adults getting back into sport (eg work colleagues) talented sportspeople disabled people Who Would You Like to Coach?

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 15 What Do People Want From Sport? Motivation for People Getting Involved Motivation for People Leaving To have fun It was no longer fun To do something I am good at I was no longer interested in the activity To play as part of a team I didn’t like the coach To learn new skills Financial constraints To improve my skills It was too competitive To keep/get fit Work/family commitments

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 16 Where Can You Coach? Coaching doesn’t just take place in sports clubs; there are many opportunities that may fit your free time, including: at your community centre or social club during primary and secondary school lunchtimes or after-school clubs in special schools for disabled children or children with special educational needs in the workplace with charities and organisations (eg Age UK)

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 17 Misconceptions About Coaching You must have qualifications to be a coach’s helper This is false, although you may wish to develop your skills and learn more technical information about coaching with a qualification

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 18 Misconceptions About Coaching (continued) You need to be good at sport to become a coach’s helper This is false – you will develop the skills required as you gain experience, but you do need passion and: – to be a good communicator – have drive and the ability to motivate people

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 19 Misconceptions About Coaching (continued) You have to be qualified or have special training to begin coaching disabled people This is false – you are coaching people with different abilities, which is the same as coaching anyone in sport To coach disabled people, you need no other specific skills than you would if you were coaching non-disabled people – but as you develop your experience you may wish to take additional training

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 20 Misconceptions About Coaching (continued) All new coaches work with children This is false – you can work with as many different groups of people as you wish There is a range of opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge to support all groups of people in sport

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 21 Insurance – Best Practice It is recommended you speak to your club or governing body of sport to check whether you need insurance before you begin volunteering Usually, volunteers are automatically insured by the governing body of sport or club It is essential to ask the question before you begin

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 22 Safeguarding and Protecting – Best Practice It is not your responsibility to decide whether or not a child or vulnerable adult is being abused Adults have a legal responsibility to act if they have concerns regarding the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult Find out who your club’s Welfare Officer is – this is the person you should report welfare concerns to

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 23 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) – Best Practice A DBS check (formerly known as a CRB disclosure) allows clubs and organisations to make informed choices before recruiting coaches and volunteers DBS checks are usually free for volunteers Under new legislation, most coach helpers would not need to undertake a DBS check prior to volunteering with a club, as they should always work under supervision Clubs and governing bodies of sport will be able to tell you whether you’ll need to undertake a DBS check

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 24 Where Can You Find Out More? sports coach UK recommends all sports volunteers and coaches take a safeguarding and protecting children in sport workshop The First Steps into Coaching resource contains more information on safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults Download the free Quick Guide to Safeguarding and Protecting Children from the sports coach UK website at The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is part of the NSPCC and can offer further information and advice

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 25 Next Steps – Which Group Are You Part Of? I want to get involved, but I am not quite ready yet I want to become a coach’s helper I want to become a qualified sports coach Shadow, watch, chat and gain confidence What do you need to know to be more confident? When ready, ask to be more involved Who do you need to ask? When can you help out? How much do you want to do? How far can you regularly travel? Which qualification do you want to take? Where would you like to get involved? How much do you want to get involved?

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 26 Things to Consider Next Which sport(s) would you like to be involved in? How far can you travel and how much free time do you have? What motivates you to try your hand at coaching? What group(s) of people would you like to work with? Do you know where you can get support?

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 27 sports coach UK Coaching Resources Visit the ‘I Want to Coach’ section of the sports coach UK website at Quick Guides and Top Tips in the Resource Bank sports coach UK workshops Coaching Edge magazine Your First Steps into Coaching resource

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 28 Becoming a Qualified Coach If you want to become a qualified coach after being a coach’s helper: UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) qualifications ensure coaches are trained to coach safely and effectively, and attain an appropriate standard of learning for their level of coaching Qualifications begin at Level 1 (assistant coach) and usually take 2–4 days to complete Clubs and governing bodies of sport will have further details on courses and costs for their sport and you can also find the sports coach UK UKCC Level 1 Guide online

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 29 Any Questions?

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 30 Local Coaching Opportunities (To be completed by the workshop organiser)

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 31 Local County Sports Partnership Contacts (To be completed by the workshop organiser)

First Steps into Coaching  Slide 32 Workshop Outcomes By now, you should: understand the different roles within coaching; in particular the role of a coach’s helper be aware of the knowledge, skills and qualities required to take your first steps into coaching have addressed some misconceptions about coaching have a clear idea of what your next step will be