1.Raw materials
1. An unprocessed natural product used in manufacture.
2.A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically or socially.
3. The belief that one race is superior to other.
4.Social Darwinism
4.The application of Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution and “survival of the fittest”to human societies- particularly as justification for imperialist expansion.
5.A gradual process in which something changed into a different and usually more complex or better form.
6.Most suited to conditions and more likely to stay alive.
7.To make possible.
8.Berlin Conference of 1884
8.A meeting at which repress negatives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa.
9.Demand as being one’s property.
10.Cash Crops
10.A readily salable crop that is grown and gathered of the market.
11.Cull Chief who created a large centralized state against British invaders.
12.Dutch colonies in south Africa.
13.Great Trek
13.A migration of Dutch colonist out of British controlled territory in South Africa during the 1830’s.
14.Boer War
14.A conflict, lasting from 1899 to 1902, in which the British fought for control of south Africa.
15.A land controlled by a distant nation.
16.A state or territory partly controlled by ( but not a possession of ) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs.
17.Sphere of influence
17.A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities.
18.Economic Imperialism
18.Foreign business companies continue to exploit the resources of less development nations.
19.Indirect Rule
19.Colonial policy in which the traditional local power structure, or at least part of it, is incorporated into the colonial administrative structures.
20.A policy of treating subject people as if they were children,providing for their needs but not giving them rights.
21.Who work in organization,especially governmental organization.who work in organizations, especially governmental organization.
22.The social process of absorbing one culture group into harmony with another.
23.Policy of Association
23.Colonial powers recognized local institutions and culture but regarded them us inferiors.
24.Menelik II
24.Emperor of Ethiopia who successfully defeated the Italians and maintained his nation’s independence.
25.A willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority.
26.Connection by blood or marriage or adoption.
27.Groups within a large group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group.
28.A foreign policy based on a consideration of the strategic location or product of other lands.
29.Land locked
29.Surrounded entirely or almost entirely by land
30.Suez Canal
30.A manmade waterway connecting the Red sea and Mediterranean sea which was opened in 1869.
31.Crimean War
31.A conflict lasting for 1855 to 1856, in which the ottoman Empire,with the aid of Britain and France, halted Russian at poison in the region the Black Sea.
32.Somebody or something that reduces shock or impact or protects against other harm.
33.A contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business.
34.British East India Company
A seventeenth- century joint-stock company founded to trade with India to Britain's advantageseventeenth centuryjoint-stock company tradeIndia Britainadvantage
35.An Indian soldier serving under British command.
36.Jewel in the crown
36.Referring to India as England’s most profitable company.
37.Self Sufficiency
Able to satisfy one’s basic needs without help.
A fortified military post were troops are stationed.
39.Sepoy Mutiny
On 1857 rebellion of India and Muslim soldiers against the British in India.
The British controlled portions and India in the year
Governor of a country who rules as the representative of his or her king.
42.Pacific Rim
The countries and landmasses surrounding the pacific Ocean, often considered as a socioeconomic region.
43.King Mongkut
Ruler of Thailand was able to keep out colonial control.
44.Emilio Aguinaldo
.Filipino nationalist who fought for independence, first from Spain,then from the U.S.
The adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.
46.Queen Liliuokalanl
Ruler who tried to restore the political power of Hawaiians.