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Presentation transcript:


What is HIV/AIDS? The human immunodeficiency virus The virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Destroys a type of defense cell in the body called a CD4 helper lymphocyte When HIV destroys these lymphocytes, the immune system becomes weak and people can get serious infections

How do you get HIV/AIDS? Having unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sexual intercourse Sharing needles, such as needles used to inject drugs, steroids, and other substances, or sharing needles used for tattooing People who have another sexually transmitted disease (STD)  are at greater risk for getting HIV during sex with infected partners. If a woman with HIV is pregnant, her newborn baby can catch the virus from her before birth, during the birthing process, or from breastfeeding.

How Do People Know They Have HIV? people may feel and look healthy for years while they are infected with HIV possible to infect others with HIV, even if the person with the virus has absolutely no symptoms. person's blood lacks the number of CD4 cells required to fight infections when immune system is overwhelmed by AIDS extreme weakness or fatigue rapid weight loss frequent fevers that last for several weeks with no explanation heavy sweating at night swollen lymph glands

Why Get Tested? There is no cure for HIV. Can take the proper steps and precautions to prevent spreading the disease. Try to prevent their baby from being born with HIV. Look for the antibodies that indicate HIV is present in the body To get tested is peace of mind

Types of HIV Tests EIA or ELISA Tests Western Blot At-Home Tests most common type of HIV test tests the blood sample for HIV antibodies Western Blot If the EIA or ELISA test is positive If both of these tests are positive, the person is almost certainly infected with the HIV virus. At-Home Tests The Home Access test is available at most local drugstores  pricks his or her finger and puts the blood on a specially prepared card  it is analyzed and the results are available in about 7 days

If Test Results Are Positive Contact a doctor to discuss ways to slow the progress of the infection Stop any activity that has an affect on the immune system Have additional tests Let all sexual partners how about the infection because they may have been exposed

How Can It Be Prevented? not having oral, vaginal, or anal sex (abstinence) always using latex condoms for all types of sexual intercourse avoiding contact with the bodily fluids through which HIV is transmitted never sharing needles

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