Welcome to Mrs. Alongi’s Open House! Please find your child’s desk and have a seat! Look through the forms on the desk. Write your A’s name on the sticky note and try to guess which portrait is your A’s outside on the board! Stick the note on the picture you think is yours! Answer the questions about your child on your desk! How well do you know him/her??
Parent Volunteers All parent volunteers must view the following video and sign a waiver protecting the privacy of students. https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/training/school- volunteers-and-ferpa
Parent Volunteer Sub Training You will be provided with a schedule and plans for the timeframe. Teacher collaboration times will overlap either specials or lunch time. You do not need to introduce new material or assign grades. Primary Responsibilities of Volunteers: Keep the students safe. Do not take them outside. Only release students when called from the front office. You are a mandated reporter. If you see any signs of abuse, please tell the teacher. Support if there are disruptive students and call the office if you need help. (Ext. 037) Emergency folder by the door. Check for allergies in the classroom. It is possible to get pulled for another classroom if there isn’t coverage. Please sign the sheet to say you are trained.
Academics ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS Reading Foundational Reading Literary Reading Informational Writing Language Speaking and Listening Math: Solving Problems with Addition & Subtraction Solving Problems with Multiplication & Division Data Fractions Geometry Perimeter Area Measurement –Inch, Centimeter, Time Social Studies: American Indian Cultures European Exploration British Colonial America Government Civics Map Skills Science: Scientific Methods Properties of Rocks and Minerals Fossils Habitats Heat Effects of pollution and man on the environment
Homework Expectations Daily HW and no reading logs. Agenda will be signed for no homework Projects- All projects will be assigned well in advanced with outlined expectations and due dates I will write the nightly homework on the board, it is their responsibility to copy it in their agenda.
Grades and scale 3+: Exceeds Expectation 3: Consistently and independently meeting the standard 2: Progressing towards meeting the standard 1: Does not meet standard/limited progress Friday Folders will be sent home with their Clean and Green Behavior Sheet and graded papers.
Cognative Abilities Test GA Milestones End of Grade Assessment Testing Testing Program Abbreviation Date Cognative Abilities Test Iowa Assessment CoGat IOWA Sep. 4-6 Sep. 9-12 GA Milestones End of Grade Assessment EOG April TBA
“Nuts and Bolts” Transportation changes MUST be in writing – no emails Visitors MUST sign in; it’s the law! No “drop-offs”! (homework, Target bags, book bags, etc.) The only exceptions are eyeglasses, lunches, and medications. There is no early dismissal after 1:45 Sope Creek Nurse 770-916-7093 ParentVue-see me for information if you are not signed up for this
Communication Friday folder Binder – Sent home daily, homework Email kirsten.alongi@cobbk12.org Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/teachergirls/ Seesaw-More info coming soon!
PTA & Foundation Resources Click HERE to view the PTA/Foundation video https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FLRupmk2_WsM&data=02%7C01%7CDARKENDRA.BROOKS%40cobbk12.org%7Cefc35edca9764513663f08d711c9c4d1%7C2fce1dfb919f4938aab8c47f0fc9182d%7C0%7C0%7C636997430601967251&sdata=8P%2Fd%2Fv%2F08yZcIK9dqITEKM%2BeHPSfPqMOcV6BsdE%2FCIY%3D&reserved=0
Thanks for coming tonight!! Before You Leave: Make sure you have signed the Volunteer Video List Choose an item from the Wish List Leave a note for your child on their Parent Night Quiz Thanks for coming tonight!!