(History, Geography, Art & Design)


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Presentation transcript:

(History, Geography, Art & Design) Computing Understand what algorithms are and how devices use them. Create and debug simple programs. Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs. Use technology purposefully to create, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Physical Education Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching and begin to apply these in a range of activities. Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Perform dances using simple movement patterns. Religious Education What are the special festivals that Muslims celebrate? How are Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr celebrated by Muslims? Why is Easter important to Christians? How is Easter celebrated by Christians? Year 2 — Spring Term 2 2019 Science Observe closely, use simple equipment and perform simple tests. Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions. Gather and record data to help in answering questions. Ask simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways. Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials for particular uses. Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. English Add suffixes to spell longer words. Learn to spell common exception words. Distinguish between homophones and near-homophones. Continue using some horizontal and diagonal strokes needed to join letters. Form capital letters of the correct size. Write narratives, about real events, poetry and for other purposes. Evaluate their writing with the teacher and others. Learn how to use a range of punctuation marks in writing. Learn how to use different kinds of sentences.. Use past and present tense correctly. Apply phonics knowledge and skills as the route to decode words. Re-read books to build up fluency and confidence in word reading. Read further common exception words. Discuss the sequence of events in books and how items of information are related. Recognise recurring literary language in stories and poetry. Make inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.   Mathematics Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. Ask and answer simple questions about collected data. Use place value and number facts to solve problems. Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100. Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations. Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) Recognise a right angle as a quarter turn and recognise half and three quarter turns. Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement. Know the number of minutes in an hour and hours in a day. Find and compare durations of time. Tell the time to 5 minutes, including quarter to and quarter past. Connected Curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design) History Learn about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. Learn about the lives of significant people in the past. Geography Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans. Use world maps, atlases and globes and draw own maps. Use simple compass directions. Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. Art & Design Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. Develop a wide range of art and design techniques. Share their ideas, experiences and imagination. PSHE Goals and Dreams Identify successes and achievements. Identify strengths as a learner. Know how working with others can help learning. Work with others to solve problems. Explore the feeling of pride.

Learning, growing and succeeding together. Computing Physical Education Religious Education Year ? — Autumn Term 2 xxxxxxxx Science English Mathematics Connected Curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design) PSHE Learning, growing and succeeding together.

Learning, growing and succeeding together. Computing Physical Education Religious Education Year ? — Spring Term 1 xxxxxxxx Science English Mathematics Connected Curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design) PSHE Learning, growing and succeeding together.

Learning, growing and succeeding together. Computing Physical Education Religious Education Year ? — Spring Term 2 xxxxxxxx Science English Mathematics Connected Curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design) PSHE Learning, growing and succeeding together.

Learning, growing and succeeding together. Computing Physical Education Religious Education Year ? — Summer Term 1 xxxxxxxx Science English Mathematics Connected Curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design) PSHE Learning, growing and succeeding together.

Learning, growing and succeeding together. Computing Physical Education Religious Education Year ? — Summer Term 2 xxxxxxxx Science English Mathematics Connected Curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design) PSHE Learning, growing and succeeding together.