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Topic: Hooray… Let’s go on holiday!

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1 Topic: Hooray… Let’s go on holiday!
This term as part of our International Primary Curriculum (IPC) Children will be learning about the importance of Holidays in our life. Hooray... Let's Go On Holiday!: Holidays are special days when we take a rest from school and work. Our holidays in the past were very different from holidays today. Now that we can travel to all parts of the world and even space, who knows where we will go for our holidays in the future? Year 1 Summer 2 ( ) Topic: Hooray… Let’s go on holiday! Homework: We hand out homework on Friday and expect Maths and Phonics Homework back on Wednesdays. Our value this term is: Gratitude Physical Education (PE) and Yoga: We have PE on Monday and Yoga on Thursdays Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit as shown on our school website and that all kit is clearly labeled.

2 Philosophy, Religious and Ethics (PRE)
English: Reading •Apply phonological knowledge/skills as the route to decode words; respond speedily with the correct sound to graphemes for all 40+ phonemes •Read common exception words and words containing s, es, ing, ed, er,est endings Writing Use phonic knowledge to sound out words when writing. Write correctly most of the common exception words. Writing for a range of purposes e.g. descriptions, poems, narrative, persuasion and speech. Discuss what they have written with teacher or other pupils Know the letter families and begin to use cursive joins. Grammar and Punctuation be confident to *Join words and clauses using and. *Begin to punctuate sentences with capital letters, full stop s, question marks and exclamation marks. *Use capital letters for names of people, places, the days of the week and the personal pronoun ‘I’. *Leave spaces between words Maths: Count to / across 100 Know number bonds to 50 add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero Solve two-step problems, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, (mastery level) describe position & movement, including half and quarter turns to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving (mastery level) Science: This term we are learning all about animals We will identify and compare a variety of animals. PSHE: In PSHE we will be learning all about: Changes Children will be taught: to think about themselves, to learn from their experiences and to recognise what they are good at; to recognise choices they can make, and to recognise the difference between right and wrong; that they belong to various groups and communities, such as family and school; about the process of growing from young to old and about how people’s needs change; to listen to other people, and play and work cooperatively; to identify and respect the differences and similarities between people. Teaching British Values Philosophy, Religious and Ethics (PRE) Gratitude Teaching children to practice gratitude is a great way to get them to appreciate all that they already have. Through our PRE lessons children learn how communicate with their peers which helps them to boost their self esteem. Adding: In computing we will be: Using Algorithms to design our own games. Learning about programming Testing out each others games to see if they work .

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