Civil Rights Movement 1950’s and 1960’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Civil Rights Movement 1950’s and 1960’s

Court Cases Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 set a precedent in U.S. Court ruled that separate facilities was okay as long as facilities were equal. The South used the decision to justify Jim Crow laws. Status quo prevailed for the next 5 decades.

Court Cases Brown v. Board changed the status quo. Court ruled that separate is rarely equal and reversed Plessy-Ferguson Change was slow as people resisted. Most resistance in the South – education!!

Faces of the Movement

Brown II In 1955, SCOTUS issued Brown II. It ordered the desegregation of schools. The “Little Rock Nine” had to be escorted to school. Arkansas National Guard ordered by Gov. Faubus to block entrance. Eisenhower nationalized Nat. Guard and sent paratroopers to escort.

Montgomery Bus Boycott Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. Her arrest set off an org. movement in the South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led the peaceful boycott. King stated that they would wear down their white oppressors with their suffering.

Organizations Dr. King was the face of SCLC – Southern Christian Leadership Conference Ella Baker was the first director of the SCLC and organized the SNCC (Snick) Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Sit-ins and freedom rides were led by SNCC

Racial Tensions Explode Dr. King had competition as the civil rights activists now had a choice. They could choose between using civil disobedience or violence. Many chose violence as “black power” became a symbol for equality. The Nation of Islam was a catalyst.

Black Power Malcolm X – Little, was the big voice. Advocated violence as a means to change. Incited riots in inner cities. Killed in ’65 before able to atone.

Death of a King As the Civil Rights Movement became more violent, strong leaders were needed. MLK was gunned down in ’68 in Memphis. More riots occurred in cities all across the country. A strong, activist voice for peace and equality was silenced.

Key Civil Rights Laws Civil Rights Act (1964) Passed right after Kennedy’s assassination. Cannot discriminate based on race w/ public facilities. Voting Rights Act (1965) removed literacy tests to vote. Civil Rights Act (1968) ended discrimination in housing.

Division Martin Luther King Stokely Carmichael

Division For years, MLK was the voice of the “movement”. However, police brutality had become too much for some. Riots were taking place in Detroit, Baltimore, D.C., etc “Black Power” was beginning to replace civil disobedience. MLK and Carmichael had opposing views.

Actions vs. Attitudes Civil Rights Acts of ‘64 and ‘68 were big. The laws had changed, but attitudes had not. Most people realized that real change would begin with children. However, time was needed for attitudes to be changed.