The First Amendment Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion


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Presentation transcript:

The First Amendment Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion Freedom of the Press Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Petition

First Amendment Limitations Speech Slander, threats, public danger Religion Violence, sacrifices, separation of church/state Press Libel, privacy, etc Assembly Peaceful, permits (usually) Petition Threats, treason, etc.

The Second Amendment For the purpose of establishing a well-regulated militia? Citizens provide security Citizens have the right to bear arms. What does this mean to our society?

Third Amendment Protection from quartering troops Why? Think back to before and during the Revolutionary War and what British Troops did to Colonist

Fourth Amendment Privacy Amendment Protection against unreasonable search and seizure Warrants must be issued – based on probable cause Warrants must be specific

Fifth Amendment Rights of the Accused DUE PROCESS OF LAW Grand Jury – Indictment No Double Jeopardy Protection from self incrimination – “I plead the fifth!” Limited power of Eminent Domain DUE PROCESS OF LAW

Sixth Amendment Rights of the Accused Speedy and public trial Impartial jury of your peers Right to know nature of charges against you Hear and question all witnesses Call witnesses in your defense Right to counsel

Seventh Amendment Rights of the Accused Jury Trial in a CIVIL case

Eight Amendment Rights of the Accused Freedom from excessive Bail or Fines Protection from cruel and unusual punishments

Ninth Amendment Unwritten rights of the People - People have more rights than those listed in the Bill of Rights

Tenth Amendment Reserved rights of the States Prevents Federal Government from becoming too powerful with “implied” powers