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First Aid. Responding to a health emergency Injury and acute illness Interactions with local emergency medical services 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid. Responding to a health emergency Injury and acute illness Interactions with local emergency medical services 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid

2 Responding to a health emergency Injury and acute illness Interactions with local emergency medical services 1a

3 Responding to a health emergency Principles of triage Legal aspects of providing first aid 1b

4 Surveying the accident scene Assess the scene General scene safety Likely event sequence - what happened? Rapid estimate of persons injured Identify others to help at scene 2a

5 Surveying the accident scene Perform primary survey of each victim Airway Breathing Circulation Obtain victim’s medical history 2b

6 Surveying the accident scene Perform secondary survey Vital signs Skin appearance Head, neck, chest, abdomen, extremities Medical alert symbols/tags 2c

7 Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Establishing/ maintaining patent airway Perform adult breathing resuscitation Perform adult circulatory resuscitation 3a

8 Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Perform choking assessment/first aid interventions Resuscitate drowning victims 3b

9 First aid intervention Bandaging Splinting Moving and rescuing victims 4a

10 Universal precautions Definition of universal precautions Value of universal precautions 5a

11 Universal precautions OSHA standard for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens 5b

12 Universal precautions Personal protective equipment Tagging and disposing of sharp items 5c

13 First aid supplies Type of supplies Amount of supplies Maintenance of supplies Storage of supplies 6a

14 Program elements: type of injury Shock Shock due to injury Shock due to allergic reactions Treating fainting victims 7a

15 Program elements: type of injury Bleeding Arterial Venous Capillary External Internal 7b

16 Program elements: type of injury Controlling bleeding Direct pressure Pressure points Elevation Pressure bandaging 7c

17 Program elements: type of injury Wounds Abrasions Incisions Lacerations Punctures Avulsions Amputations Crush injuries Infection precautions 7d

18 Program elements: type of injury Poisoning Alkali Acid Systemic Topical Drug abuse Poison control center Chemical emergency information (MSDSs) 7e

19 Program elements: type of injury Burns First degree Second degree Third degree Temperature extremes Exposure to cold Exposure to heat 7f

20 Program elements: type of injury Musculoskeletal injuries Open fractures Dislocations Joint sprains Muscle strains Head, neck, spinal injuries 7g

21 Program elements: type of injury Bites and stings Human and animal Insects 7h

22 Program elements: type of injury Medical emergencies Heart attacks Strokes Asthma attacks Diabetic emergencies Seizures Pregnancy 7i

23 Program elements: type of injury Confined spaces Asphyxiation Chemical overexposure Trauma 7j

24 Program elements: site of injury Head and neck Eye Nose Mouth and teeth 7k

25 Program elements: site of injury Chest Abdomen Hands, fingers, feet 7l

26 Summary of main points First-aid response Qualified persons Reporting accidents and injuries 8a

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