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Early Civilizations. Categories and places Geography, Religion, Economy, Government, Social Structure, and notable achievements Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt,

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Presentation on theme: "Early Civilizations. Categories and places Geography, Religion, Economy, Government, Social Structure, and notable achievements Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Civilizations

2 Categories and places Geography, Religion, Economy, Government, Social Structure, and notable achievements Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India, China


4 Geography Mesopotamia-Tigris & Euphrates= irrigation but irregular flood pattern found in modern day Iraq Egypt- Nile- predictable flood pattern, Travel Desert=protection India- Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra Rivers Hindu-Kush and Himalayas to N. Deccan Plateau arid and dry China- Huang He (yellow) and Yangzi Rivers Isolate W. Himalayas and deserts

5 Religion Mesopotamia- Polytheistic- Inanna= Mother Earth Ziggurat=temple to the Gods Persians (Zoroaster) Ahura Mazda- monotheistic Hebrews-Yahweh-monotheistic Egypt- Henotheistic- belief in one God w/o denying existence of others Polytheistic…Amon Re = Sun God Osiris=God of underworld Soul= Ka Pyramids=tombs

6 Religion India-Polytheistic worshipped animals (early) Vedas- collection of prayers and other religious teachings Arayans- polytheistic China-Polytheistic Shang di (mother goddess) Yin= Earth, darkness, and female forces Yang= Heaven, light, and male forces

7 Government Mesopotamia- City-states religious war rulers…seen as servants to God Code of Hammurabi 300 laws (1790bc & Babylonian empire) Egypt-Pharaoh with vizier-chief minister India- Priest/Kings as leaders Two main cities Mohenjo- Daro and Harappa carefully planned Grid patterns China-Kings/Shang Zhou/ Mandate of Heaven—divine right to rule Feudalism– system of government which lords govern their own lands but owe $ and service to support their ruler

8 Economy Mesopotamia-Trade- brought in riches barter system and agrarian society Egypt-Trade and farming India-Farmers- wheat, barley, fruit, cotton, traders China-trade and farming development of money

9 Social Structure Mesopotamia- Top– Leading officials and high priests Middle– merchants, artisans, lesser priests Low– peasant farmers and slaves Egypt- Top– Pharaoh High Middle– High Priests and lower Priests Middle– Nobles, merchants, artisans, scribes Low– peasants and slaves

10 Social Structure India-Castes– social groups in which you are born into and can not change Top: Priests High Middle- warriors Middle— Farmers, herders, merchants, and artisans Low---peasants and slaves China-Top= king Middle= warriors, merchants, and artisans Low=peasants

11 Achievements Mesopotamia= cuneiform, wheeled vehicles, irrigation, land cultivation, alphabet (Phoenicians), coins, iron working Egypt- papyrus, hieroglyphics, 12 month cal., pyramids, mummification, paintings and sculptures India– city planning and plumbing China- calligraphy, bronze, silk making

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