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The Six Essential Nutrients

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1 The Six Essential Nutrients

2 The Six Essential Nutrients
Carbohydrates Protein Fats Water Vitamins Minerals

3 Carbohydrates Body’s Main Source of Energy
Types=sugars, starches and fiber Sugars-used as a quick energy source (aka simple carbohydrates) Starches-take longer for your body to use (aka complex carbohydrates) Fiber- aids in digestion

4 Sources of Carbohydrates
Sugars Candies, jellies, honey, milk, frosting Starches Fruits, vegetables, breads, pasta, beans Fiber Fruits, vegetables and grains

5 Proteins Uses of proteins
Your skin, hair, nails, muscles, blood and other body tissues contain protein Uses of proteins Protein is needed for growth and repair of tissues Protein is needed to control body processes such as blood circulation, breathing and digestion Protein acts as a source of energy

6 What are proteins made of?


8 Complete versus incomplete proteins
Have all the essential amino acids Sources of complete proteins come from animals include meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, milk Incomplete Do not have all the essential amino acids Incomplete proteins come from plant sources including beans, peas, nuts and seeds Incomplete proteins can be mixed together to make complete proteins

9 Fats Concentrated source of energy from animals or plants
Needed to keep body functioning properly Carry fat soluble vitamins Insulate and protect vital organs, and keeps you warm

10 Sources of fats Butter Margarine Meats Cheese Salad Dressing Snacks
Dessert Foods Cholesterol comes from animal food sources. Too much cholesterol can lead to heart disease You need some fats, but eating too much causes weight gain and health problems.q2

11 Vitamins Substances needed for growth and maintenance
Help regulate chemical processes Help your body store and use energy Try to get the vitamins you need from foods instead of supplements

12 Fat Soluble and Water Soluble
-Vitamins are stored in the body -Fat soluble vitamins are ADEK -Vitamins are not stored in body but are flushed out through body waste -Water soluble vitamins are BC

13 MInerals Nutrient needed for a healthy body
Help to regulate body’s activities Help muscles contract Help nerves transmit signals to and from the brain Maintain body’s water balance Strengthens bones and teeth Trace Minerals-minerals found in small amounts in the body

14 Water Single most important substance you take into your body
You can only survive a few days without water About 2/3 of your body is made up of water Water carries nutrients into cells, carries wastes out of your body, aids in digestion, regulates internal body temperature You need about 8 glasses of water each day

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