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© 2005 JupiterImages Corporation

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Nutrition What is nutrition? the science of how the foods you eat affect your body What are nutrients? substances that nourish your body Six categories of nutrients: Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water © 2005 JupiterImages Corporation

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Carbohydrates Carbohydrates function: the body’s main source of energy two categories: simple and complex Simple Carbohydrates composed of one or two sugar units foods with LOTS of sugar: oranges and milk contain natural sugars; cookies and candy are high in added sugar © 2005 JupiterImages Corporation

3 Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates
starches that are composed of many sugar units linked together your body breaks down starches into smaller sugar units that are used for energy foods with LOTS of starch: rice, beans, potatoes many foods high in starches also supply fiber (helps your digestive tract work properly and may help protect against heart disease and cancer)

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Proteins Proteins Structure: Proteins are made from many amino acids connected together in different arrangements Function: help your body grow, repair itself, and fight disease © 2005 JupiterImages Corporation 9 of the 20 amino acids are called essential amino acids because you must obtain them from the foods you eat since your body cannot make them.

5 Proteins Complete proteins:
foods containing all the essential amino acids Examples: fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese Incomplete proteins: foods that are missing some essential amino acids Examples: dry beans and peas (legumes), nuts, whole grains

6 Fats Functions: promotes healthy skin and normal growth
carries vitamins to wherever your body needs them helps protect and cushion vital organs as well as joints insulates the body There are two types of fats: saturated and unsaturated

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Fats Unsaturated fats: at room temperature, they are typically in liquid form. they are less harmful to the circulatory system than saturated fats. foods with a lot of unsaturated fat: vegetable oils, nuts, olives, avocados © 2005 JupiterImages Corporation

8 Fats Saturated fats: at room temperature, they are typically in solid form diets with TOO MUCH saturated fat tend to raise the level of cholesterol in your blood, which increases your risk for heart disease foods with a lot of saturated fat: butter, meats, poultry, some dairy products (Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in foods from animal sources)

9 Vitamins they regulate body functions by helping other nutrients do their jobs there are two main categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble

10 Vitamins Water-soluble vitamins
excess vitamins are excreted with the urine taking large amounts of these vitamins from supplements overworks the kidneys and may cause damage ex: vitamins B1, B2, B3, folic acid, vitamin C Fat-soluble vitamins stored in liver and fat until you need them excess amounts can build up to harmful levels ex: vitamins A, D, E, K

11 Minerals Functions: regulates body processes
give structure to bones and teeth provide materials for healthy blood and tissue examples: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron -calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium help build and maintain your bones over your lifetime -iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all your body’s cells

12 Water Functions: regulates body temperature
transports nutrients to body cells and carries waste products away aids in digestion moistens body tissues such as eyes, mouth, and nose cushions your joints protects your body organs and tissues You need a regular supply of water to help your body perform its many life-supporting activities (aim for 8 cups a day) essential to life – you can only live a few days without water

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