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Six Essential Nutrients. What is Nutrition?  The Study of nutrients and how the body uses them.

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Presentation on theme: "Six Essential Nutrients. What is Nutrition?  The Study of nutrients and how the body uses them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Essential Nutrients

2 What is Nutrition?  The Study of nutrients and how the body uses them.

3 So what is a nutrient?  Substances that are important for the body’s growth and maintenance.  Nutrients are found in the foods we eat.  We need to eat a variety of foods because one food does not have all the nutrients.

4 There are 6 essential nutrients…  C an F anny P lay V iolin M uch W orse?

5 Carbohydrates  The body’s main source of energy.  Two types: simple (sugars) & complex (starches)  Simple: Crash & Burn Effect—comes from sugars—candy, soda, doughnuts  Complex: Long term energy---comes from foods like pasta, bread, starchy vegetables like peas & potatoes

6 Carbohydrates Continued  Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate.  Comes from plant sources only-- such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains  Cannot be digested but aids in digestion by helping to eliminate waste products from the body. products from the body.

7 Fats  Used by the body to store energy.  But have twice as many calories as carbohydrates.  Fats store energy & form cell membranes  Insulated body & Protect organs  Fats are solid at room temperature & Liquids are referred to as oils.  Types of fat include: saturated, unsaturated, trans-fat and cholesterol  Omega’s are good fats

8 Proteins Proteins  Building blocks for the body for growth and repair.  Your skin, hair, blood, muscles and vital organs are made of proteins.  Made up of amino acids.  Protein sources: Plant (incomplete) & Animal (complete)  Plant sources: Beans, Soy, Lentils  Animals sources: Beef, Pork, Fish, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry

9 Vitamins  Are substances needed in small amounts to help regulate body functions.  They help your body use other nutrients, store and use energy and fight infection.  Examples include vitamin A, B, C, D, E & K  Most come from fruits, veggies, & dairy.  Some vitamins are stored in your body.  Nutrition Facts label includes Vitamins A & C

10 Vitamins Continued  Some vitamins are fat soluble-stored in your fats.  Some vitamins are water soluble-stored in the fluids in your body.

11 Minerals  Main function is to control important chemical reactions in the body.  Needed in small amounts to help keep bones strong, teeth healthy, blood healthy.  Your body needs 17 minerals daily  Come from earth’s crust—examples are iron, calcium, and iodine (iron & calcium are included on nutrition facts label)  Sources—milk, salt, spinach, fruits & veggies

12 Water  Necessary for survival  Water keeps us hydrated  Water helps move foods and nutrients through our bodies; aids in digestion  Need approximately 64 oz. daily.  Sources: fruits, veggies, soups, juices, & dairy products.

13 Foldables

14 Materials needed for this assignment  6 Colored pieces of paper  Carbohydrates  Fats  Proteins  Vitamins  Water  Minerals-  Creativity  Glue sticks

15 Step 1 – Fold SQUARE in half

16 Step 2 – fold in half again

17 Step 3 – fold diagonally

18 Step 4 – place diagonal fold up (like a tent)

19 Step 5 – bend into a cup

20 Step 6 – Push in sides

21 Step 7 – Fold into a square

22 Step 8 – fold flat

23 Step 9  Repeat process for the other nutrient squares.

24 Step 10 – Glue one side of a square

25 Step 11 – Glue squares together

26 Step 12 – Finished Product!

27 Lesson Plan Source  014/05/six-essential-nutrients-less0n- plan 014/05/six-essential-nutrients-less0n- plan 014/05/six-essential-nutrients-less0n- plan  Created by K.Graybill

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