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Of Popes and Kings 7.34 Demonstrate understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, including Charlemagne, Gregory.

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Presentation on theme: "Of Popes and Kings 7.34 Demonstrate understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, including Charlemagne, Gregory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of Popes and Kings 7.34 Demonstrate understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, including Charlemagne, Gregory VII, and Emperor Henry IV.

2 Objectives I can understand the power of the pope’s and kings during the Middle Ages So that we can understand the cooperation and conflict between the pope and king I will know I have it when create a Venn Diagram that shows the power of the Kings and Popes

3 A power shift In early Middle Ages nobles and knights held the most power As time went on Kings and Popes both gained power Kings – Political power Popes – Religious Power



6 The Power of the Popes Head of the Christian church
Which pretty much all of Europe belonged to Was seen as God’s representative on Earth Decided what the church would teach If you went against the church you would be excommunicated Cast out from the church


8 The Power of Kings Ruled their lands Controlled everything political
Tax rates Armies Land distribution Laws Created alliances Power was passed down through family

9 The Holy Roman Empire Grew out of Charlemagne’s empire
Emperor could only take the throne with the approval of the Pope Would be elected by nobles Squabbles between the King and Nobles were settled by the Pope


11 Pope Problems Western Europe viewed the Pope as the head of the church
Eastern Europe however never heard from the pope The bishops did whatever they wanted One pope did not like this Pope Leo IX

12 Pope Leo IX splits the church
Wanted to bring ALL of Europe under his control Eastern Bishops didn’t like it Especially the Bishop of Constantinople Pope Leo excommunicated the Bishop People had to choose sides Pope Leo’s side became Roman Catholics Bishop of Constantinople became the Orthodox Church


14 Popes and Kings Clash Popes wanted power/Kings wanted power
This can only be a bad thing For example: Popes normally selected Bishops Kings thought they should be able to

15 Popes and Kings Clash This came to a head with Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV Pope Gregory did not like a Bishop chosen by King Henry Henry tried to convince the Bishops to remove Pope Gregory In return Pope Gregory excommunicated Henry and convinced the Nobles to overthrow him

16 A desperate man King Henry wanted to stay in power
He traveled to Italy to beg forgiveness He stood in the snow for three days barefoot before being allowed to see Pope Gregory Eventually King Henry was restored to the church and throne

17 Concordat of Worms Finally in 1122 a new pope and new king made a compromise Church officials would choose the bishop King would have to approve Bishop would have to obey the King

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