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Begin $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Colonial Life The Great Awakening The French EmpireFrench/IndianWarHunkyDudesImmigration/Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Begin $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Colonial Life The Great Awakening The French EmpireFrench/IndianWarHunkyDudesImmigration/Population."— Presentation transcript:


2 Begin

3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Colonial Life The Great Awakening The French EmpireFrench/IndianWarHunkyDudesImmigration/Population

4 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 TaxesRevolutionaryShenanigansWar! More War For the DudesAftermath Of F/I War


6 C1-$100 Final Jeopardy

7 C1-$100 These immigrants were primarily Lutheran and made up 6% of the colonial population

8 C1-$200 These immigrants were “hot-headed” and had no loyalty to the British

9 C1-$300 Southern colonies contained a population that was 90% “these”

10 C1-$400 By 1775, the average age of colonists was this

11 C1-$500 Germans settled largely into this Quaker state

12 C2-$100 The Triangular trade included trading this drink to Africa for slaves

13 C2-$200 This profession was the most honorable in the colonies in the 1700s

14 C2-$300 This disease was arguably the most widespread in the colonies

15 C2-$400 Most colonials were members of this church

16 C2-$500 These colonies, due to their religious beliefs, had higher educational standards

17 C3-$100 One cause of the Great Awakening was this intellectual movement in Europe in the 1600s

18 C3-$200 This minister preached that we are all “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”

19 C3-$300 This man taught that predestination was a false idea and that each individual was saved by their own free will

20 C3-$400 This man’s booming voice, scared parishioners into repentence

21 C3-$500 This holiday was “frowned upon” in the colonies due to its ties to paganism and Catholicism

22 C4-$100 This man was the “father of New France”

23 C3-200 The fur of this animal was the primary pursuit of French settlers

24 C3-$300 Name the part of New France circled on this map


26 C3-$400 France’s main Catholic ally was this country

27 C3-$500 The French befriended this Indian Tribe in North America

28 C4-$100 The French and Indian war began over land in this Valley

29 C4-$200 George Washington was sent to clear the French out of this fort

30 C4-$300 This was summoned in order to defend against the French and bribe the Iroquois Indians

31 C4-$400 When this man was put in charge of the British military, the British began winning the French and Indian War

32 C4-$500 After the war, the French gave much of this modern North American country to Britain

33 C4-$100 Name this hunky dude

34 C4-$200 Name this hunky dude

35 C4-$300 Name this hunky dude (actor)

36 C4-$400 Name this hot dude

37 C4-$500 Name this Hunky god

38 The Colonists learned the British were not “this” after the French and Indian War

39 This Native American rebelled after the French and Indian war, but the British defeated

40 The British passed this which said that Americans could not settle in lands west of the Appalachian Mountains

41 The chief that rebelled was from this Indian tribe

42 The British gave Indians blankets infested with this to stop the rebellion

43 This tax mainly affected wealthy lawyers, newspaper owners, printing press operators, book publishers, etc, but angered many

44 These acts placed taxes on glass, paper, paint, and tea

45 After the repeal of the Stamp Tax, Parliament passed this act, which said that parliament had the right to impose any tax on the colonies

46 The Tea Act required all colonies to buy tea from this company

47 What is this a picture of?

48 This man was the leader of those who participated in the Boston Tea Partay

49 Name this event

50 The first battles of the Revolutionary war were in these two Massachusetts Cities

51 These acts were passed by Britain as punishment for the Boston Tea Party

52 The people responsible for the Boston Tea Party dressed up like these people

53 Samuel Adams created these, which spread propaganda throughout the colonies


55 At the first Continental Congress, the delegates chose to create this group of colonial militia men

56 These were German soldiers hired by the British

57 He was a young Frenchman who came to the U.S. to participate in the Revolution and help train American soldiers

58 The U.S. succeeded in the revolution due largely to the economic and military aid from this country

59 This man said that breaking away from Britain was “common sense”

60 The second Continental Congress named this man as leader of the Continental Army

61 This battle was the turning point in the Revolutionary War

62 This man made the statement that “These colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states” on July 2 nd, 1776

63 Patriots who favored independence from Britain were known as these

64 Name this attractive lady



67 Name this attractive Lady


69 Name this hottie

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