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Causes of the Revolution

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1 Causes of the Revolution
5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 7 Lesson 1 The French & Indian War

2 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
Vocabulary rebellion ally congress rebellion proclamation an attempt to overthrow a government or authority by force

3 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
Vocabulary ally ally congress rebellion proclamation a person or group that has joined with another to accomplish a specific goal

4 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
Vocabulary proclamation ally congress rebellion proclamation an official announcement

5 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
Vocabulary congress ally congress rebellion proclamation a meeting of representatives to discuss plans for the future

6 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
What two countries fought against one another in the French & Indian War? Great Britain & France In what valley did Indians trade furs with French colonists? Ohio River Valley Who lead an army into the Ohio River Valley in 1754? George Washington

7 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
Who did the Indians become allies with? France What Indian nation was an ally of the British? Mohawk What was the name of Benjamin Franklin’s plan to unite the colonies? Albany Plan of Union

8 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
Who became Britain’s Parliament’s leader in 1757 & was determined to win the war? William Pitt In what year did the French & Indian War end? 1763 What was the name of the treaty signed that ended the French & Indian War? The Treaty of Paris

9 Lesson 7.1- The French & Indian War pages 228-233
What Ottawa chief lead American Indians in a rebellion against the British? Pontiac What did the Proclamation of 1763 say? Colonists could not settle land west of the Appalachian Mountains


11 Causes of the Revolution
5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 7 Lesson 2 Early Conflicts with Britain

12 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Vocabulary protest tax smuggling liberty protest boycott repeal a gathering of people to show disapproval of something

13 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Vocabulary tax tax smuggling liberty protest boycott repeal money people give their government to pay for services it provides

14 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Vocabulary liberty tax smuggling liberty protest boycott repeal freedom

15 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Vocabulary boycott tax smuggling liberty protest boycott repeal to refuse to buy, sell, or use certain products as a way of protesting

16 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Vocabulary repeal tax smuggling liberty protest boycott repeal to take a law out of effect

17 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Vocabulary smuggling tax smuggling liberty protest boycott repeal the secret import or export of illegal goods

18 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Why did Britain start collecting so many taxes? The French & Indian War had cost so much What new tax did Britain create in 1764? Sugar Act What new tax did Britain create in 1765? Stamp Act

19 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
Who was a Burgess from Virginia that made an angry speech against the Stamp Act? Patrick Henry Samuel Adams was an important leader of what group? Sons of Liberty What meeting took place in New York in 1765? Stamp Act Congress

20 Lesson 7.2- Early Conflicts with Britain pages 234-239
What did Britain do in 1766 because of all the boycotts & protests over the stamp act? Repealed the Stamp Act What act put a tax on tea, glass, lead, paints & paper the colonists imported? Townshend Acts What did the daughters of Liberty do against the Townshend Acts? Made their own clothing so the British would lose money


22 Causes of the Revolution
5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Conflicts Grow

23 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
Vocabulary quarter massacre correspondence quarter delegate to give food & shelter

24 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
Vocabulary correspondence massacre correspondence quarter delegate letters or other documents used to exchange information

25 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
Vocabulary delegate massacre correspondence quarter delegate one person chosen to speak or act for a number of people

26 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
Vocabulary massacre massacre correspondence quarter delegate the killing of many people particularly defenseless people

27 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
What happened in Boston on March 5, 1770? 5 Colonists were killed by British soldiers Who was one of the colonists killed? Crispus Attucks This event became known as what? The Boston Massacre

28 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
Who created a picture of the “Boston Massacre”? Paul Revere Who was the Boston lawyer who defended the British? John Adams What event took place on December 16, 1773? The Boston Tea Party

29 Lesson 7.3- Conflicts Grow p. 240-247
What meeting took place on September 5, 1774? First Continental Congress Who was the king of Britain during all these events? King George III


31 Causes of the Revolution
5th Grade Social Studies Chapter 7 Lesson 4 War Begins

32 an American colonist who opposed the British
Lesson 7.4- War Begins p Vocabulary Patriot Patriot militia minutemen commander petition an American colonist who opposed the British

33 members of the militia who were prepared to fight at a minute’s notice
Lesson 7.4- War Begins p Vocabulary Patriot militia minutemen commander petition minutemen members of the militia who were prepared to fight at a minute’s notice

34 a written request to the government signed by many people
Lesson 7.4- War Begins p Vocabulary Patriot militia minutemen commander petition petition a written request to the government signed by many people

35 an army made up of ordinary citizens, not professional soldiers
Lesson 7.4- War Begins p Vocabulary Patriot militia minutemen commander petition militia an army made up of ordinary citizens, not professional soldiers

36 the officer in charge of an army
Lesson 7.4- War Begins p Vocabulary Patriot militia minutemen commander petition commander the officer in charge of an army

37 Lesson 7.4- War Begins p How did Mercy Otis Warren oppose the British? She wrote plays criticizing British officials Who was Thomas Gage? New British governor of Massachusetts Who were the minutemen? Patriot militia who were trained to fight at a “minute’s notice”

38 Lesson 7.4- War Begins p Name the two Patriots who warned the colonists about the approaching British army. Paul Revere & William Dawes Which side had more casualties at Lexington? The colonists What was the “shot heard ‘round the world”? It was the first shot fired at the Battles of Lexington & Concord

39 Lesson 7.4- War Begins p What did colonists do to respond to the news of the Battles of Lexington & Concord? Thousands of armed colonists rushed to Boston to trap the British Why did the Patriot militia decide to build a fort on Breed’s Hill? It was closer to Boston Why did Congress decide it needed to create an army? Soldiers needed to be trained to fight

40 Lesson 7.4- War Begins p. 250-257 What was the Olive Branch Petition?
One more attempt by the 2nd Continental Congress to make peace with Britain Who was named commander of the American army? George Washington


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