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Rise of Charlemagne Early Middle Ages:Dark Ages. The Dark Ages The Middle Ages are often times referred to as “the Dark Ages”. Can you explain why this.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Charlemagne Early Middle Ages:Dark Ages. The Dark Ages The Middle Ages are often times referred to as “the Dark Ages”. Can you explain why this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Charlemagne Early Middle Ages:Dark Ages

2 The Dark Ages The Middle Ages are often times referred to as “the Dark Ages”. Can you explain why this time period got this nickname?

3 Aim: How was Western Europe organized politically after the Fall of Rome? Do Now: Evaluate the “before” and “after” maps of Europe. Describe what is happening?

4 Journal Entry Imagine all of the schools, colleges, libraries and computers were destroyed. Now imagine all the teachers and doctors quit because no one was paying them. What would the world be like? Take 5-10 minutes to write a paragraph about this.

5 Merchants faced invasions on land and sea. Businesses collapsed and money became scarce. European cities declined as centers of trade. People retreated to rural areas (countryside). Roman cities were left without strong leaders. Literacy rates dropped dramatically. Few people except priests and other Church officials were able to read. Most Greco-Roman learning was forgotten. As German-speaking people mixed with the Roman population, Latin began to change into the languages we know today such as French, Spanish and Italian. Latin was no longer a unifying force within Europe. Disruption of TradeDownfall of Cities Population Shifts Decline of Learning Loss of a Common Language The Effects of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire

6 Disruption of TradeMerchants faced invasions on land and sea. Businesses collapsed and money became scarce. Downfall of CitiesEuropean cities declined as centers of trade. Population ShiftsPeople retreated to rural areas (countryside). Roman cities were left without strong leaders. Decline of LearningLiteracy rates dropped dramatically. Few people except priests and other Church officials were able to read. Most Greco-Roman learning was forgotten. Loss of a Common Language As German-speaking people mixed with the Roman population, Latin began to change into the languages we know today such as French, Spanish and Italian. Latin was no longer a unifying force within Europe. The Effects of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire

7 Franks Come to Power Germanic people ✙ lived in small communities ✙ bound by personal loyalty rather than to a leader of an Empire. ✙ Led by Clovis ✙ the Franks gain control of what is today France. ✙ Clovis converts to Christianity. ✙ The Frankish Kingdom and the Christian Church form a strategic alliance.

8 Germanic People Adopt Christianity ✙ The Germanic Kingdoms played a critical role in the spread of Christianity across Europe. ✙ The Merovingian and Carolingian Dynasties rule. Source: Clovis I: First Christian King of France

9 Charlemagne Takes the Throne ✟ Charlemagne built an empire that was the strongest that Europe had experienced since Rome. ✟ He expanded his empire and united the people of Europe.

10 Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor ✟ After defending the Pope from an unruly mob in Rome, the Pope crowned Charlemagne “Roman Emperor”. ✟ This was significant because a Church official had claimed the right to grant a political title to a European King.

11 Charlemagne’s Rule ✟ Charlemagne limited the power of the Nobles and closely watched over his government. ✟ He encouraged learning and opened schools to train new priests and monks. ✟ His three sons could not keep his Empire together, and central rule broke down. "By the sword and the cross," he became master of Western Europe.

12 Clovis & the Franks Gaul (present-day France & Switzerland) Franks held power Clovis was the leader; brought Christianity to the region 496: Clovis prayed to the Christian God for help in battle; they won; they converted Church in Rome welcomed his conversion and supported his campaigns against other Germanic tribes 511: Clovis united the Franks into one kingdom – The Merovingian Dynasty Why do we care? Clovis + Roman Church = the beginning of a marriage of political and religious institutions

13 Carolingian Dynasty Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) 686-741 – Stopped the Muslim Moors at the Battle of Tours in 732 Ruled from 751-887 Started by Pepin the Short Son, Charles, ruled the kingdom after him Charles became known as Charlemagne (Charles the Great) The Battle of Tours - 732

14 Frankish King – 771-814 CE Created administrative units and approved military governors. Used “Missi Domini” (messengers) to report on affairs. Ruled with the sword. Converted conquered people To Christianity. Pope Leo III crowned him as Holy Roman Emperor. Built Many Churches. Most people were poor and illiterate - Peasants, nobles, clergy. Encouraged trade and learning. Studied Latin, Greek, rhetoric, logic astronomy, grammar, math, music - Liberal Arts Curriculum. Monasteries had scriptoriums. United all Germanic People Modern France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland. Most of Germany, Spain, Italy Main City - Aachen Blended Roman past, Germanic life and Christianity – foundation of European Society. First Emperor of Holy Roman Empire. Standardized coins, writing style – Use of Latin. Uniform religious practices and culture (primogeniture).

15 On Christmas Day in 800, while Charlemagne knelt in prayer in Saint Peter’s in Rome, Pope Leo III placed a golden crown on the bowed head of the king. Charlemagne is said to have been surprised by the coronation, declaring that he would not have come into the church had he known the pope’s plan. However, some historians say the pope would not have dared to act without Charlemagne's knowledge. The Coronation of Charlemagne What was the impact of this event?

16 Close: Charlemagne's three sons could not keep the Empire together, and central rule broke down. Predict what you think will happen to western Europe after the fall of Charlemagne’s empire.

17 Charlemagne’s Heirs Son - Louis the Pious succeeded him Devoutly religious but politically ineffective Charlemagne’s three grandsons fought each other for control and essentially divided it with the signing of the Treaty of Verdun in 843. Carolingian kings lost power, and central authority broke down Lack of strong rulers led to new system of governing and landholding: feudalism

18 Charlemagne’s Legacy Charlemagne unites western Europe and spreads Christianity. He encourages learning and orders monasteries to open schools Germanic power, Church, heritage of Roman Empire now joined together as one Because of his actions as a ruler, Charlemagne is considered the “Father of Europe”

19 Charlemagne

20 Following Charlemagne Charlemagne dies in 814; his son, Louis, rules poorly Charlemagne’s three grandsons fight for control of empire In 843 they divide empire into three kingdoms….Treaty of Verdun Europe once again, becomes unstable.

21 King of the Franks? Or King of the Burgers?

22 Treaty of Verdun The Treaty of Verdun divides the Empire into three weaker empires. As central authority breaks down, the lack of strong rulers leads to a new system of governing and landholding.

23 After the Treaty of Verdun, Charlemagne’s three feuding grandsons broke the kingdom up even further. Part of this territory also became a battleground as new waves of invaders attacked Europe. The political turmoil and constant warfare led to the rise of feudalism- a military and political system based on land ownership and personal loyalty.

24 Why do these NFL teams take the names of European invaders from 1000 years ago?

25  Vikings set sail from Scandinavia, a wintry, wooded region in Northern Europe.  The Vikings are also known as Norsemen.  They took pride in violent names like Eric Bloodaxe and Thorfinn Skullsplitter Modern-day Scandinavia

26 Tuesday is named for the Norse god Tyr, the Norse equivalent of the Roman god Mars, the Spanish word Martes is based on Tyr as well. Wednesday is named for the Norse god Woden. Thursday is named for the Norse god Thor Friday is named for the Norse goddess Frigg.

27 A Viking ship, known as a Prow, held 300 warriors who took turns rowing the ships 72 oars

28 Vikings were traders, farmers and outstanding explorers. Leif Ericson likely reached North America 500 years before Columbus As Vikings accepted Christianity, they stopped raiding monasteries. A warming trend in Europe’s climate made farming easier in Scandinavia. As agriculture increased, the seafaring life of a Viking became less necessary.

29  The Magyars are a group of nomadic peoples who were superb horseback riders. The Magyars swept across the Danube and invaded Western Europe.  The Magyars captured people to sell as slaves.  They overran Northern Italy and reached as far west as the Rhineland and Burgundy The Magyars came from present day Hungary. The Hungarians today speak the language of Magyar.

30  Muslims controlled the Mediterranean Sea and disrupted trade.  The Muslims plundered Europe during the 800s and 900s.  They attacked Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts and as far inland as Switzerland

31 The stability and protection of the Roman Empire was shattered by: Invasions of 1.Vikings 2.Magyars 3.Muslims

32 In 911 Rollo the Viking and King Charles the Simple of France made peace. This marked the beginning of the end of the Viking invasions in Western Europe.

33 This is the name for the system that arose in the Middle Ages to provide security and protection on a local level: FEUDALISM


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