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Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms

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1 Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms

2 The end of the Roman Empire (476 AD); the end of classical antiquity
The Middle Ages or medieval period (500 – 1500 AD) The Renaissance and the beginning of modern history

3 Roots of the Middle Ages
The classical heritage of Rome The beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church The customs of various Germanic tribes

4 Invasions of Western Europe
Repeated invasions and constant warfare in the western half of the Roman Empire led to major changes: Breakdown of trade Downfall of cities; population becomes mostly rural Decline of learning Loss of a common language; Latin no longer part of everyday speech; new languages evolved

5 Germanic Kingdoms Emerge
400 – 600 AD, small Germanic kingdoms replaced provinces of the Roman Empire Government changed from the public government and written laws of Rome to the family ties and personal loyalties of Germanic society No orderly government for large territories

6 Clovis Rules the Franks
Franks held power in what is present-day France Led by Clovis Converted to Christianity United all Franks into one kingdom


8 Germans Adopt Christianity
By 600, many Germanic people converted to Christianity Church built monasteries, religious communities where monks and nuns lived Monks opened schools, maintained libraries, and copied books, partially preserving the learning of Rome. Pope Gregory expanded power of the papacy (Pope’s office) Church became a secular (worldly) power involved in politics

9 Illuminated manuscripts, made by monks, were copies of religious writings decorated with ornate letters and brilliant pictures.

10 An Empire Evolves Europe was made up many small kingdoms, of which the Franks were the largest and strongest Charles Martel led Franks in early 700s, expanded their territory and defeating Muslim raiders at the Battle of Tours in 732 Became a Christian hero His son began the Carolingian Dynasty which ruled until 987.

11 Charlemagne Becomes Emperor
Martel’s grandson, Charlemagne, built the Frankish empire into the largest empire since Rome Spread Christianity Reunited western Europe Pope made him “emperor”



14 Charlemagne Leads a Revival
Charlemagne strengthened his power by limiting the power of nobles Encouraged education by ordering monasteries to open schools to train future monks and priests After his death, Charlemagne’s sons divided the Empire into three kingdoms Led to breakdown of strong, central government Resulted in a new system called feudalism

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