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Do you think life in 19 th century America was good for the new immigrants?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you think life in 19 th century America was good for the new immigrants?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you think life in 19 th century America was good for the new immigrants?

2 L4 L4 What does this tell you? Five Points NYC

3 Description of “5 Points” of NYC When the landfill started to decay in the 1820’s the wood frame houses began to tilt over and sink. It became infested with mosquitoes and disease; the decent residents moved out, those who remained became impoverished and victims of slum lords, gangs and ruthless politicians looking for easy votes. Personal safety was compromised and a person was in constant threat of being robbed or worse. Beginning with the “Old Brewery” – a building that was converted to an apartment house, the floors were partitioned into small flats, rented to the poor and seedy characters. Each room had whole families, cooking, eating, and sleeping in this one room. It was a ghastly sight with squalid living conditions. The same situation prevailed throughout the district – the lower floors usually for drinking, dancing, gambling, and riotous behavior. Many people were robbed, beaten or shanghaied. In the cellars (they were called “cellar dwellers”) were the “oyster saloons,” which were kept open all night luring fresh, unsuspecting victims. This neighborhood was a dangerous place to live in and visit. Historyplace

4 5 Points of Manhattan

5 NYC – mid/late 19 th century


7 Tenements

8 NYC tenement

9 NYC lodging house

10 The Chicago Post wrote, "The Irish fill our prisons, our poor houses...Scratch a convict or a pauper, and the chances are that you tickle the skin of an Irish Catholic. Putting them on a boat and sending them home would end crime in this country."

11 When Leland Stanford was elected governor of California in 1862, he promised in his inaugural address to protect the state from "the dregs of Asia."


13 h Proportion of Children 10-15 in Labor Force BostonPhiladelphiaPittsburgh Boys Native720 2nd generation82420 1st generation193930 Black101719 Girls Native3125 2nd generation6188 1st generation133918 Black4147


15 NumberWhat do you see?/Translate what you read. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -How would you describe an immigrants life in America based on the images, texts, cartoons? -How do you think native born Americans will feel about immigrants based on the pictures, texts and cartoons?

16 “Destroying” America Dirty, disease ridden, immoral, lazy, unintelligent Crime Morality Hygiene (diseases coming from them) Lowering our wages (how?) Taking over government (why?) Asian immigrants viewed even more negatively** why?

17 To blame for their position and condition ▫Nativism – native born are superior ▫Social Darwinism – survival of the fittest

18 Anti-Immigration Groups/Legislation Anti-Catholic groups Literacy tests*** (vetoed) Chinese Exclusionary Act, 1882-1943! ▫Students, teachers, vacationers, gov. Gentlemen’s Agreement (Japanese), 1907 ▫End SF segregation, limit unskilled immigrants Americanization movement **only want British, German, Scandinavian “stock”*** Why?

19 Do you think things have changed much for immigrants today?

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