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Gender Development Pages 93-98. Objectives Define Gender Identity and gender typing Compare and Contrast Biological, cognitive and environmental influence.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Development Pages 93-98. Objectives Define Gender Identity and gender typing Compare and Contrast Biological, cognitive and environmental influence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Development Pages 93-98

2 Objectives Define Gender Identity and gender typing Compare and Contrast Biological, cognitive and environmental influence on gender

3 Gender Identity Gender Identity- Child’s sense of being male or female, of belonging to one sex and not the other. Gender Typing- is the process of socializing children into their gender roles and thus reflects society’s ideas about which abilities, interests, traits, and behaviors are appropriately masculine or feminine

4 Gender identity and typing Gender identity The fundamental sense of being male or female, independent of whether the person conforms to social and cultural rules of gender Gender typing Process by which children learn the abilities, interests, personality traits, and behaviors associated with being masculine or feminine in their culture chapter 3

5 For example Strong Gender identity and not be gender typed F.E. Man might be confident enough to do un masculine things- cook, clean, floral arrangements F.E. female might fix car, fight in a war, play football

6 Intersex conditions 1,000’s of babies: 1/2000 Formerly hermaphroditism Chromosomal or Hormonal anomalies cause a child to be born with ambiguous genitals, or genitals that conflict with the infants chromosomes. Genetically female born with enlarged clitoris or gen. male androgen insensitivity, external genitals female

7 Many intersexed individuals call themselves transgender Broad category of people who do not fit comfortably into usual categories of male/female Physical and psychological attributes of both sexes

8 On the Other Hand Transsexual- Feeling that they are a male in a females body, or vice versa Try to change with surgery or hormones Or by taking on dress or attributes Found in virtually all cultures throughout history

9 Influences on gender development Biological factors Biological researchers believe that early play and toy preferences have a basis in prenatal hormones, genes, or brain organization. Cognitive factors Cognitive psychologists suggest that toy preferences are based on gender schemas or the mental network of knowledge, beliefs, metaphors, and expectations about what it means to be male or female. Learning factors Gender appropriate play may be reinforced by parents, teachers, and peers. chapter 3

10 Biological Preschool Years children play with same sex gender. Toys and games of their own sex Boys Physical roughhousing, risk taking, aggressive displays large groups, (hierarchy) fighting, pushing. Girls- Organize, small group, cooperative Prenatal androgens (masculine hormones) Females more physically aggressive

11 Cognitive 9 months babies have learned that male/female faces. 2-3 years label boys/girls. 5 years until gender identity Learn girl remains a girl if climb tree Boy remain boy if have long hair F.E. girl scholded for getting dirty building tree house, should play with dolls.

12 Cog. Continued Gender schema- Mental network of beliefs and expectations about what it means to be male or female and about what each sex is supposed to wear, do, feel, and think Children can alter schemas women engineers, male cooks Culture factor; Taliban prohibition on women education SELF CONCETPS = WHAT YOU THINK

13 Learned through Environment Third influence; environment Gender socialization begins at birth Correct color pattern, People respond differently to different color babies Girls are more feminine Boys more athletic Teachers responded to boys more; reinforces gender difference

14 Summary Influences Gender Identity

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