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Mr. Colvin’s Fourth Grade Class 2014-2015 Benjamin Franklin Science Academy We ARE the superheroes of Ben Franklin Science Academy!

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Colvin’s Fourth Grade Class 2014-2015 Benjamin Franklin Science Academy We ARE the superheroes of Ben Franklin Science Academy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Colvin’s Fourth Grade Class 2014-2015 Benjamin Franklin Science Academy We ARE the superheroes of Ben Franklin Science Academy!

2 Classroom RULES: #1 Do not talk when the teacher is talking.

3 Classroom RULES: #2 Raise your hand when you want to talk, and wait to be called on by the teacher.

4 Classroom RULES: #3 Do not get out of your seat without permission.

5 Classroom RULES: #4 Respect yourself and others.

6 Classroom RULES: # 5 Do not interfere with anyone’s ability to learn (including your own).


8 Classroom Pledge: I choose to take care of my business and myself. I choose to wait nice and quiet (at my desk or in line). I choose to behave in a manner that creates a positive learning environment. I choose to raise my hand when I would like a turn to talk or permission to leave my seat. I choose to think and compliment the positive and ignore the negative.

9 if you have a question, ask it’s okay to make mistakes it’s okay to have an opinion it’s okay to disagree

10 Behavior Consequences and Rewards Students who choose to behave in a manner that is disruptive to others, or in a manner that is inappropriate will be calling a parent/guardian immediately. We will go to the office together and call together.

11 "With great power comes great responsibility" YOU have the power to make responsible choices every day, inside and outside the classroom.

12 Behavior Consequences and Rewards: Hero Behavior Buckets Students who do not make adjustments to their behavior will be removed from class and sent to the office with a referral. Students who continue to have poor behavior habits will be removed from the class permanently and possibly the from the school. You have the power to choose how you behave. REMEMBER!

13 Behavior Consequences and Rewards: Good behavior is its own reward, but… if the class as a whole has good behavior over a period of time that the teacher deems appropriate, the class will get some form of a reward. This reward is per the teacher’s discretion. If the teacher feels like the class deserves a popsicle, then the class will get a popsicle. Who does not understand?

14 Individual Rewards Students whose behavior is without flaw, will get the opportunity to choose a reward as the teacher sees fit.

15 Classroom Arrival Routine Students will remove coats and place backpacks in their locker BEFORE coming to class. All items for class need to be removed from their backpacks and lockers at this time: students will not be allowed to leave the classroom during the day to retrieve items from their lockers. Upon arrival to the classroom, students will: – turn in their homework and any school paperwork in the designated place, – go to their seat – log on to school computer or laptop (if needed) – work on assignments or wait quietly Students will work or wait quietly while waiting for the class to begin.

16 Classroom Procedures for lining up: Stand behind your chair quietly when the teacher calls for line leader. Line leader will always take their position at the front of the line and will set a good example for all others in line. Wait until the teacher or leader calls you to line up. When you line up, face forward with both hands behind your back or by your sides, quietly. The door holder will hold the door then stay at the end of the line until the class reaches the destination door, at which point the door holder will quickly and quietly move to the front of the line to hold the next door. When you enter the hallway, you are entering the “Quite Zone”…follow the hallway procedures. Use manners and thank the person who is holding the door open. If you are outside, line up as soon as the bell rings and wait quietly to enter the building. Be respectful to your classmates and keep your hands and feet to yourself.

17 Hallway Procedures The hallway is the “Quiet Zone”. There is no talking in the hall. Students are to walk on the right side of the hall in a single file line. Students walk with their hands behind their back or by their sides.

18 Restroom Procedures Take restroom breaks before school begins each morning and during passing periods. Students will not use the restroom during instruction unless it is an emergency. If students have an emergency situation, the teacher needs to be notified immediately. The student will leave the classroom quietly and go to the restroom. Be as fast as possible. Return to the room quietly and return to your seat. Use this responsibility wisely! When it is not an emergency, and not during instructional time, students will be allowed to use the restroom or get a drink of water and will be required to take a hall pass with them.

19 Water bottles, soda, or drinks of any kind, will not be allowed at the computer stations in the classroom. Drinks that contain sugar will not be allowed in the classroom.

20 Pencil Sharpening Students who need a sharpened pencil can sharpen one when instruction is not going on. Students will raise their hand and ask for permission to get out of their seat to sharpen their pencil.

21 Procedures for Daily Assignments: Always use the correct heading for all papers: Name, Date, Class and Period. Labeling papers correctly is important: any papers handed in with no name will be placed in the trash. Assignments will be listed on the board, and turned in to the appropriate bin. Papers handed in late will have points deducted for being late. Make-up assignments due to absences will need to be turned in to the appropriate bin.

22 ? ? SO, where exactly do you turn in your assignments?????

23 Classroom Jobs meeter-greeter: answers the door with this greeting: “Hello. Welcome to Mr. Colvin's Classroom. How may I help you?” teacher helper/assistant : helps pass out or collect class supplies and papers when needed.

24 Remember… Name Date Class and Period No Name = PAPER IN TRASH = ZERO

25 Mr. Colvin’s Expectations for the Classroom and Life: Make good choices, and accept responsibility for the choices you make. Take care of yourself, your belongings, our classroom equipment, supplies, and our school. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and people you meet. Take care of the environment. Be neat and clean: do not make messes. Clean up messes that you make, and help others clean up when needed.

26 Classroom Pledge: I choose to take care of my business and myself. I choose to wait nice and quiet (at my desk or in line). I choose to behave in a manner that creates a positive learning environment. I choose to raise my hand when I would like a turn to talk or permission to leave my seat. I choose to think and compliment the positive and ignore the negative.



29 if you have a question, ask it’s okay to make mistakes it’s okay to have an opinion it’s okay to disagree

30 Classroom RULES: #1 Do not talk when the teacher is talking.

31 Classroom RULES: #2 Raise your hand when you want to talk, and wait to be called on by the teacher.

32 Classroom RULES: #3 Do not get out of your seat without permission.

33 Classroom RULES: #4 Respect yourself and others.

34 Classroom RULES: # 5 Do not interfere with anyone’s ability to learn (including your own).

35 WE all have the power to be superheroes.

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