Welcome to Math Delta! What great things can I expect from you this school year? Ms. Lombardi.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Math Delta! What great things can I expect from you this school year? Ms. Lombardi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Math Delta! What great things can I expect from you this school year? Ms. Lombardi

2 Who is Ms. Lombardi? Math Delta

3 I love teaching math and science! Georgia College for Undergrad and Armstrong Atlantic for Masters Burton 4H Center and Lockerly Arboretum In my spare time: Music Hiking Photography Cooking Ms. Lombardi

4 Math Delta – Geometry Data Analysis Geometry Probability Math Alpha – Algebra I love geometry! Mrs. Simpson and I work very closely together to coordinate the curriculum and classroom expectations. Notebook and composition notebook High expectations You will be challenged! Math Curriculum

5 Rules and Expectations

6 Rules Give yourself the opportunity to learn. Give others the opportunity to learn. Give your teacher the opportunity to teach. RULES

7 ::Respect::  Yourself  Others  Property RULES

8 Turn to your elbow partner and talk about what respect would look like to yourself, others, and property. What would it not look like? Come up with ONE example of each. Discussion

9 ::Expectations::  Honesty  Cheerfulness  Responsibility

10 Coming into Class

11 Coming into class … 1. Enter the classroom quietly and sit in your assigned seat. 2. Get materials out for class and put book-bags underneath your desks.

12 Coming into class … 3. X-Games Warm Up - Start the warm up immediately - The warm up will be timed. - Some of the warm ups will be easy, others will provide you with a challenge. YOU CAN DO IT! All I ask is for you to TRY YOUR HARDEST. - Warm ups will be written in your composition notebook 4. Together we will review the warm up activity and answer any question you may have.

13 Coming into class …. Have a question about what we did in the last class?  Pick up a post-it note on your way to your assigned desk.  Write the problem(s) or question on the post-it note.  Place the post-it note on the white board.  I will work out the problems on the post-it notes during class.

14 Being Prepared

15 You should always be prepared for class before entering the classroom. You need: - Math Notebook - Composition Notebook - A sharpened pencil - Paper/Graph Paper etc. - Agenda Book Sharpening Pencils - Have your own pencil sharpener to use if needed during class - No disrupting class

16 Class Procedures

17 - How do I work in class? - Individually, pairs or groups - Need something? How do you get Ms. Lombardi’s attention? - How will I get your attention? - Need to throw something away? - Coming in late? - Bathroom, water, tissues or Band-Aid? - Finished with all of your work? - Absent? - Restricted Areas - Dress Code

18 Leaving class …

19  We will be working hard all class period.  In order to get the most out of our time we will be working until the “3 minute countdown”. We cannot waste a minute of math time!  One minute bell  I will dismiss you, not the bell.  “Ticket Out the Door

20 What do you do during the “3 minute countdown”?  Return all borrowed materials to their original location.  Make sure your agenda is completely filled out.  Put away all homework, notes, and graded work into your binder. (Remember: Organization is important.)  Make sure your area is clean.  Wait in your seat until I dismiss you.

21 Make sure you turn in your “TICKET Out the Door” before you leave!

22 One last thing …  Check the OCS website regularly! I will do my best to keep it updated. You should be checking the website at least twice a week!  You will find great resources and reminders about upcoming tests and assignments.  I will also scan in worksheets and upload Power-Points so you can access all the information you need from home!

23 Questions?

24 This is going to be a wonderful year! Please feel free to email me, write a note, or stop by whenever you have a concern (or simply need to talk). I am here for each one of you. Do not hesitate to talk to me! My door is always open. Ms. Lombardi

25 What Should My Homework Look Like? As with all other math, homework must be done in pencil only and in the following format… Name and Assigned Number Date Assignment Academic Period 1.3 2 +4 2 =c 2 (9+16)=c 2 25=c 2 25=c 5=c 2.

26  Make sure your homework is neat and organized. That way I can see the steps you took to solve the problem.  After completing your homework, mark the problems you need help with. We will work these problems out during class. Homework Continued

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