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STD’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

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1 STD’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases

2 What is a Sexually Transmitted Disease?
Diseases you can get by having sex – vaginal, oral, or anal – with someone who is already infected Caused by bacteria or viruses that are spread through blood, semen, and vaginal fluids Also, spread simply by touching infected skin for certain STDs, like herpes and genital warts

3 Who is at risk? YOU

4 STD Facts 1 in 4 Americans will become infected with an STD in their lifetime 2/3 of all STD cases occur in ages 25 or younger

5 STD Cases Estimated Annual Cases 333 million Worldwide
15.3 million new cases in the United States this year alone

6 STD Transmission HIV and STDs are transmitted through exposure to:
Blood Semen Vaginal secretions Contact with open sores and infected areas

7 What is it? Sexually transmitted disease Parasites Bacteria viral

8 Parasites

9 Scabies Microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabei infection of the skin
Affects people of races and ages Transmission Direct skin to skin contact with a person infected Sharing clothes, towels and bedding Up to a month on human body 48-72 hours away from human body

10 Scabies Symptoms Pimple-like irritations
Intense itching, especially at night and over most of the body Sores on the body caused by scratching. These sores can sometimes become infected with bacteria

11 Scabies Treatment Special lotions prescribed by doctors
All clothes should be washed with hot water Proper showers should be taken Every body in contact with infected person should be treated

12 Pubic lice Pubic lice are parasitic insects found in the genital areas of human It is commonly known as crabs due to its shape Transmission Usually spread through sexual contact Rarely spread through contact with infected person bed linens, towels, or clothes

13 Pubic lice Where is it found? Pubic hair on genital area
Hair on legs, armpits, mustache, beard, eyebrows or eyelashes Found on eyebrow or eyelashes in young children SIGNS; Itching in the genital area. Visible nits (lice eggs) or crawling lice

14 Pubic lice Symptoms Treatment Itching in the genital area
Visible nits (lice eggs) or crawling lice Treatment Pediculicide (1%): prescription Lindane (1%): non prescription For lice on eyebrows or eyelashes, remove with fingernails or an ophthalmic grade petroleum ointment available by prescription

15 Bacterial Infections

16 Gonorrhea Transmission 700,000 new infection/year
Penis, vagina, anus, mouth, with or without ejaculation Mother to baby during pregnancy and childbirth 700,000 new infection/year

17 Gonorrhea Men’s Symptoms Burning sensation when urinating
Discharge of penis Itching Painful or swollen testicles Women’s Symptoms Burning sensation when urinating Vaginal bleeding between periods Increased vaginal discharge

18 Gonorrhea Opportunistic Infections
Women pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) infertility Men Epididymitis Connections with Chlamydia

19 Gonorrhea Treatment Antibiotics can cure Gonorrhea
Treatments will stop infections, not fix permanent damage Re-infection is possible!

20 Chlamydia Most common of all bacterial STDs.
About 3 million new cases occur each year. When symptoms do occur they include abnormal genital discharge and burning with urination. If untreated, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal pregnancies, and infertility. Can be cured with oral antibiotics.

21 Chlamydia Treatment Cured with antibiotics
Left untreated ; PID (40% of women), permanent damage to fallopian tubes, uterus, infertility Men: complications are rare, sterility might occur

22 Syphilis Bacterium Treponema pallidum
In the USA over 32,000 cases including 6,862 primary and secondary (P&S) cases in 2002 Between 2001 and 2002, the # of reported P&S syphilis increase 12.4 percent Rates in men are 3.5 times more that women Rates highest in women 20 to 24 years old, men between years Highest rates are found in southern states

23 Syphilis Transmission Direct contact with syphilis sore
During vaginal, anal, and oral sex Sores occur mainly on vagina, anus, or in the rectum Sores can occur on lips and in the mouth Many sores are unrecognized, thus most transmission is from person unaware of infection

24 Syphilis Primary Stage
Symptoms Appearance of chancres Time between infection and symptoms might range from 10 to 90 days Chancre last 3 to 6 weeks, and heals without treatment. If untreated progresses to secondary stage

25 Syphilis Secondary Stage.
Symptoms Skin rash and mucous membrane lesions Rashes can appear as chancre is healing or weeks after chancre heals Fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headache, weight loss, muscle ache and fatigue

26 Syphilis Late stage. Symptoms
Hidden stage leads to damage to internal organs like hear, eyes, nerves, brain, liver, blood vessels, bones and joints Difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness Gradual blindness, and dementia DEATH!

27 Syphilis Treatment Single penicillin injection will cure infections that are less than a year Additional dosage needed for infection more than a year Treatment will kill bacteria but not repair damage Re-infection is possible!

28 Trichomoniasis Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
7.4 million new cases each year Symptoms Women: frothy yellow green vaginal discharge with strong odor, itching in genitals, pain during urination or intercourse Men: slight burning after urination or ejaculation, mild discharge

29 Trichomoniasis Treatment Curable with prescribed antibiotics

30 Viral Infections

31 HPV Human Papillomavirus
20 million people infected Low risk Genital wart of the anus, cervix, vagina, vulva, penis High Risk Can lead to cancers of the penis, vulva, cervix, vagina

32 HPV Transmission Skin to skin contact

33 HPV Symptoms There are no symptoms although warts may be present
Treatments There is no cure for HPV, but there is treatment for genital warts Warts can be removed by freezing, burning, laser treatment The body can naturally rid itself of the virus

34 Herpes What is Herpes? Virus that causes outbreaks of skin blisters and sores in genital area

35 Herpes Symptoms Tingling, burning, pain in genital area
Difficult or painful urination Red areas on genitals from blister bursting

36 Herpes Transmission Sexual contact with person who has it
Touching infected area of someone who has it Can be spread even if symptoms are not present Can spread during childbirth

37 Herpes Herpes There is no known cure
Medications can reduce the number of outbreaks

38 Hepatitis B What is it? Hep B is a serious disease caused by a virus that infects the liver Can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis (liver scarring), liver cancer, liver failure and death

39 Hepatitis B Symptoms A person may have all, some or none of these
Nausea Loss of appetite Vomiting Fatigue Fever Dark urine Pale stool Jaundice Stomach pain Side pain A person may have all, some or none of these

40 HIV/AIDS HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Disease that destroys the body’s immune system, leaving a person susceptible for life-threatening illnesses

41 HIV/AIDS Transmission Fluids: vaginal, semen, breast milk, blood
Sexual contact with an infected person Sharing needles (shooting drugs) with infected person Mother to baby during pregnancy

42 HIV/AIDS Symptoms Dry cough Shortness of breath Weight loss
Pink/purple blotches on or under the skin Persistent vaginal yeast infections Fever, chills, night sweats Swollen glands in neck, armpits, groin areas Frequent diarrhea Mouth sores

43 HIV/AIDS Treatments No known cure, although there are drugs that can slow the progress of HIV There are also drugs that can prevent or treat opportunistic infections

44 Where should I go to get tested?
Physician Hospital Planned Parenthood Public Health

45 Strategies for Preventing STDs
Abstain from sex or delay sex Choose outer-course versus intercourse Monogamy Use Condoms and other barriers Reduce the number of sexual partners Do not have sex with “higher-risk” people Do not share needles Stay sober

46 Why Should You be Responsible
Health Family Career Why Should You be Responsible for Your Sexual Behavior? Finances Personal Values Relationships

47 Courage Nerves to abstain from sex Bravery to make good choices
Guts to do the right thing and stand up to peer pressure

48 Commitment Living up to your promises
Choosing a complete life over a passionate moment Holding on the principle-centered values

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