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Mental Disorders Ch. 5 Lesson 2 Pages 118-121.

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1 Mental Disorders Ch. 5 Lesson 2 Pages

2 Mental Disorders Objective 1: Name the different types of mental disorders. Objective 2: Identify situations requiring professional mental health services.

3 Open book quiz Lesson #2 pages 118-121 FOR THE SCANTRON
Name: Write your first AND last name Subject: CH. 5 Quiz Class: write the period

4 Mental Disorder Mental Disorder: An illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of a person, preventing a person from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life. Stigma: Is a mark of shame or disapproval that results in an individual being shunned or rejected by others. Mental disorders are medical conditions, and require diagnosis and treatment just like any physical illness or injury. Many times, mental & emotional problems cannot be solved without professional help

5 Types of mental disorders
Anxiety Disorder: Are disorders in which real or imagined fears prevent a person from enjoying life

6 Five types of anxiety disorders
Phobia: When a person goes to extreme measures to avoid a fear and reacts in a way that limits normal functioning. Ex. Arachnophobia: fear of spiders Ex. Acrophobia: fear of being in high places Ex. Claustrophobia: fear of being in small, closed spaces. More examples listed on page 115 Dr. OZ phobia video. Part 1: Part 2:

7 Types of anxiety disorders
Obsessive-compulsive: A person who has an uncontrollable need to perform repetitive acts. Ex. Wash their hands every 2 minutes Ex. Make sure door is locked every 30 minutes Video: Howie Mandel Talks About Living With OCD

8 Types of anxiety disorders
Panic Disorder: has sudden, unexplained feelings of terror. They are accompanied by symptoms such as trembling, a pounding heart, shortness of breath, or dizziness. This is a condition in which fear and anxiety get in the way of a persons ability to function and enjoy life. They may be triggered by a particular object, condition, or situation Video clip: Iron Man 3

9 Types of anxiety disorders
Post traumatic stress disorder: A condition in which a person who has experienced a traumatic event feels severe and long-lasting aftereffects. Ex. War vets Ex. Rape survivors Ex. Tornado Video: War vet & his therapy

10 Types of anxiety disorders
Generalized anxiety disorder: Exaggerated worry and tension for no reason. People with this disorder startle easily and have difficulty concentrating, relaxing, and sleeping. Video clip:

11 Impulse Control Disorders
Impulse Control Disorder: People cannot resist the urge to hurt themselves or others. They may also cause financial harm by overspending and gambling. Examples Kleptomania: unplanned theft of objects Cutting: Repetitive cutting parts of the body that can be hidden Excessive Gambling: Can’t stop gambling Compulsive Shopping: Buying things they can’t afford and don’t need.

12 Somatoform Disorders Somatoform disorders: Describes a condition in which a person complains of disease symptoms, but no physical symptoms can be found. Hypochondria: A preoccupation with the body and fear of presumed disease. Ex. Cancer Ex. Heart attack

13 Hypochondria Video: Seinfeld
Part 1: Part 2: Video: Scrubs

14 Mood Disorders Mood disorders: Is an illness that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living.

15 Mood Disorders Clinical depression: If feelings of sadness or hopelessness last for more than a few weeks and interfere with daily activities and interests. Bipolar: (Manic-Depressive) Is marked by extreme mood changes, energy levels, and behaviors. Dr. Phil Video Clip (show 1st 5 minutes:

16 Conduct Disorders A pattern of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated. Examples: Stealing, cruelty, lying, aggression, violence, truancy, arson, and vandalism.

17 Schizophrenia A condition of losing touch with reality accompanied by reduced ability to function. They gradually lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. This illness tends to run in families. Causes may be a combination of genetic factors and chemical and structural changes in the brain. EX. The movie Trailer: “A Beautiful Mind” Video: Inside the World of Childhood Schizophrenia

18 Personality Disorders
Antisocial: A person’s constant conflict with society. They may display behavior that is cruel, impulsive and violent. In many cases are unable to show remorse for their behavior. Passive-aggressive: A person is often uncooperative with others. They don’t like being told what to do, but show anger indirectly. Example: If they don’t want to take part in an activity, they may not show up or they may show up late and leave early.

19 Practice Quiz Name the mental disorder.
Every 2 weeks Shirley complains of having a particular disease/ailment but doctors can not find anything wrong with her. When Billy was younger, lightning struck a tree he was standing next to. Now, whenever a thunderstorm approaches, he get very anxious and scared and runs to the basement shaking. Beth is in an extremely good mood. She came to class skipping through the doorway and giving everyone hugs (even people who she doesn’t know). Later in the class period, she asks the teacher a question and a couple of kids roll their eyes at her. Her mood drastically shift and she begins crying and keeps calling herself stupid. 15 minutes later she doesn’t say a word the rest of class. Nick is on crutches and has to go to the 4th floor for his doctors appointment. He looks at the elevator and begins to sweat. He tells his family he is going to crutch up 4 flights of stairs because he refuses to ride in the elevator. Mr. Pagani hands his class a worksheet and tells them to complete the worksheet as they watch the video. Martha does not like being told what to do and decides to sleep during the video. After class, when Mr. Pagani talks to her, she said she is tired from doing homework last night.

20 Practice Quiz Answers to the mental disorders
Hypochondria Post traumatic stress disorder Manic-depressive: (AKA bi polar) Phobia Passive-aggressive

21 Memory Game Activity Open iSwifter APP
Open the bookmarks tab and choose “Glencoe chapter activities” Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” Go to: Chapter 5 Next, Open: “Interactive Health Tutor” Open: “Chapter 5a” l

22 Interactive Study Guide
Open iSwifter APP Open the bookmarks tab and choose “Glencoe chapter activities” Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” Go to: Chapter 5 Next, Open: “Interactive Study Guides” Open: “Lesson #2”

23 Gabris Awake Trailer:

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