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Sexually Transmitted Infections

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1 Sexually Transmitted Infections
Biology 3201: Unit 2, Reproduction and Development

2 What are STIs? Sexually Transmitted Infections
Transmitted mainly through sexual contact Most caused by viruses or bacteria Most are curable, some only treatable Curable: Can be cured with medication Treatable: NOT curable; but symptoms can be managed with medication

3 What are they?? The most common (and the ones that you need to know for the purposes of this course) are: HIV/AIDS Chlamydia Hepatitis B Genital Herpes Syphilis Gonorrhea We will take a closer look at each

4 HIV and AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome The virus attaches the immune system Level of helper T cells in the blood decreases Makes person more susceptible to a number of different infections The other infection is what makes you sick and can cause death

5 Transmission of HIV Sexual contact Sharing of needles among drug users
Vaginal intercourse Anal/rectal intercourse And oral – genital contact NOT kissing Sharing of needles among drug users Blood transfusions Today most blood is closely screened Breast feeding

6 AIDS Development Occurs in 3 stages STAGE A STAGE B
Last for roughly a year No symptoms, but can infect others Remain healthy STAGE B 6 to 8 years When body cannot replace T- cells

7 A number of symptoms start to occur
Swelling of lymph nodes Weight loss Night sweats Fatigue Fever Diarrhea Infections

8 STAGE C: This stage is considered fully developed AIDS
Suffers nervous disorders Pneumonia Skin cancer If not appropriate, aggressive treatment, death within 7 to 9 years

9 Chlamydia Caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis
In 2001 there were cases reported in Canada Rising dramatically , 2009 there were cases Most common in people between age 15 and 24 Affects both male an females and can cause serious permanent damage Transmitted through sexual intercourse Vaginal, anal, or oral Do not have to ejaculate

10 Symptoms Known as “silent” infection In Women Asymptomatic
If symptoms, may be weeks or months after transmission In Women Abnormal vaginal discharge Burning sensation during urination If not treated, travels up uterus and oviducts and cause PID Pelvic inflammitory disease Severe pelvic and abdominal pain Leads to infertility

11 May also affect anus and throat
In Men: Discharge from penis Burning sensation when urinating Pain and swelling in both testicles May also affect anus and throat In anus can cause: Rectal pain Discharge bleeding


13 Treatment Up to 75% of all chlamydia cases are not detected by the individual unit irreversible damage is done If not treated in females: Ulcers on the cervix Increased risk of aids PID Blocked oviducts Ectopic prenancy infertility

14 Effective, easy tests to hlep diagnose early
In Males Blocked/damaged vas deferens Effective, easy tests to hlep diagnose early Successfully with antibiotics No perminant effects NEW CONCERNS

15 Hepatitis B An infection that causes by a virus
Other types of Hepatitis viruses, only B related to reproductive system Spread through sexual contact, blood transfusions, and exchange of body fluids Causes liver inflamation, vomiting, jaundice, and even death Liver cirrhosis and cancer NO CURE

16 Symptoms Overall poor health Loss of apetit Nasuea Vomiting Body aches
Fever Dark urine May be entirely asymptomatic

17 Infection tends to have periods of liver inflamation and jaundice and periods of no symptoms
Vaccines for all 3 strains of hepatitis are available


19 Genital Herpes Viral infection. Two types: HSV 1 HSV2
Herpes Simplex 1 (HSV1) Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV2) HSV 1 Causes cold sores and fever blisters around the mouth HSV2 Genital herpes and is acquired through sexual contact

20 Symptoms Tingling or ithcing
Blisters on gentials, buttocks, thighs, or internal tissues that rupture Flu like symptoms Outbreaks triggered by fever, stress, sunlight, intercourse or foods


22 Syphilis Caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum
Infection occurs in 3 stages: Stage 1 Ulcerated sores with hard edges appearing at the site Stage 2 Rash appears Could be anywhere on skin Usually on palms of hands and soles of feet Stage 3 Affects cardiovascular and nervous system

23 Stage 3 symptoms can include:
Mental illness Blindness A shuffled walk Heart disease Large ulcers called Gummas on the skin or internal organs Can be cured with antibiotics



26 Gonorrhea Caused by bacteria called Neiserria gonorrhoea
Can cause infection of the urethra, cervix, rectom and throat Symptoms Pain during urination Greenish yellow discharge from urethra Blocked oviducts Infections of joints, heart valves and brain Same in males and females Treatable with antibiotics


28 Prevention Save sex Education Abstinence
Limit number of sexual partner Think of it this way If you have sex with them you are having sex with everyone bodily fluids that they had sex with Only 100% safe method is abstinence


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