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Journal Do the end justify the means in the Lorax?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Do the end justify the means in the Lorax?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Do the end justify the means in the Lorax?

2 Warm up What do these pictures represent? What is the message. Is the message accurate? How do these images relate to the film The Lorax?

3 Causes of the Industrial Revolution
Why Britain?

4 Classwork Read and take notes pages 608-615 in the textbook
Goal is to be done by 1:50 Class notes & Power point for additional information is on my website

5 Think, Pair, Share What is Industrialism? What comes to mind when you think about Industrialism or the Industrial Revolution?

6 Industrial Revolution
Refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England in the middle 1700s

7 Industrialism Defined
Industrialization: The process of developing machine produced goods.


9 Revolutions England, United States, France have all had political revolutions This new type of revolution changes the way people live and work Mostly refers to how machines helped people do their jobs faster Huge impact on society

10 The English countryside

11 Starts with agriculture
England (early 1700s) covered in small farms Wealthy landowners buy smaller farms and create large farms Large farms called enclosures (the enclosure movement) Allowed farmers to work bigger fields = find new ways to grow crops

12 New Farming techniques
Jethro Tull invents a seed drill to make sure seeds can germinate = huge increase in crop yields Crop rotation replaces three field system Experiment with selective animal reproduction average weight of sheep goes from 18 to 50 pounds


14 Significant increase in food supply


16 Ability to feed more people for less $$ and with less labor


18 Increased Population


20 Surplus labor for new factories
(small farmers become tenant farmers or move to the city)


22 More people end up with more $$ = more demand for manufactured goods
Clothes, household goods, tools, etc

23 Industrialism Defined
Industrialization: The process of developing machine produced goods.


25 What does Britain have to offer?
Why is Great Britain the ideal location to start an industrial revolution? Natural Resources Strong economic system (banking) Political stability Essentially… Social, political, geographical and economic forces

26 Geographical Causes Natural Resources England is an ISLAND!!!
Water = power and transportation Rivers/oceans Harbors Merchants Imports and exports Iron Ore Construct machinery

27 Economic Causes Stable banking systems Business loans New commodity
Oversea Trade Able to support industrialization

28 Political Causes Britain was involved in many wars, however…
None fought on Britain soil Military success Parliament passed laws to protect and encourage business ventures

29 Factors of Production!!

30 Influence of Transportation
Cheap and convenient source of power The use of the Steam Engine Propel boats Led to the building of canals Transport raw materials and finished goods

31 The Railway Age The idea of steam-power influenced land based transportation First steam locomotive built in 1804 George Stephenson build the first railroad line in 1821

32 Impact of RR age Effects Increased industrial growth Created jobs
Boosted other industries Encouraged people to take jobs in other cities Promoted vacations and social activities

33 HOMEWORK – Disease/Sanitation Reading
Read this short excerpt about the disease and sanitation in early Industrial Britain and illustrate a compelling point from it. Be clear and descriptive—the goal is for you to get a mental picture without sugar coating the actual conditions that existed. Your drawing should be the full page and in color. This is due by Wednesday, December 20th

34 Your Task… In groups of 2-3
Yes... You may choose your own group Keep in mind… you want to be with people who will get their work finished  As a group you need to create a visual representation of the causes of the Industrial Revolution (we did a similar activity for the French Rev. Estates system ) You must include visuals of the following: Start of Industrial revolution Economic Political Geographical Transportation/RR It is up to your group on how the poster will look However, it should convey the message as to why these are causes of the industrial revolution with visuals and very few words. DUE: Thursday, December 17th

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