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A better view of mental illness

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1 A better view of mental illness
Ch. 5 - Mental Health A better view of mental illness

2 Mental Health A mental disorder is an illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him/her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life. Classified into two general types: organic and functional

3 Mental Health Organic disorder: is one that is clearly caused by a physical illness or an injury that affects the brain. Ex. Brain tumors, alcoholism, infections (syphilis, meningitis), lupes, and stroke Functional disorder: may occur as the result of psychological causes in which no clear brain damage is involved. Ex. Stress related, emotional conflict, fear, or poor coping skills

4 Mental Health Anxiety Disorder: is an illness in which real, imagined, or persistent fears prevent a person from enjoying life. A. Phobias: a fear so strong, a person goes to extreme measures to avoid the fear- producing object or activity; person is often unable to carry out daily activities; often related to a past experience. B. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: is trapped in a pattern of repeated behaviors or thoughts; may interfere with other daily functions.

5 Mental Health C. Panic Disorder: fear or anxiety prevails and gets in the way of functioning and enjoying life; may feel anxious, fearful, and upset most of the time, feelings may arise for no apparent reason; “panic attacks” D. Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder: experienced or witnessed a traumatic event feels severe and long lasting aftereffects; military combat, rape victims; flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, guilt; symptoms can appear 6 months to years after event.

6 Mental Health Somatoform Disorders: an illness in which a person complains of disease symptoms, but no physical cause can be found. A. Hypochondria: preoccupation with the body and fear of presumed diseases that are not present

7 Mental Health Affective Disorders: an illness often with an organic cause that relates to emotions and may involve mood swings or mood extremes that interfere with everyday living. A. Clinical Depression: feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair last for more than a few weeks and interfere with daily activity; can affect one’s performance; can lead to substance abuse; can be biologically based, can also stem from traumas or stressors

8 Mental Health B. Bipolar Disorder: is a psychological illness characterized by extreme mood swings between depression and extreme happiness; often inherited

9 Mental Health 4. Personality Disorders: variety of psychological conditions that affect a person’s ability to get along with others; no apparent signs; individual continues to function A. Antisocial Personality Disorder: person’s constant conflict with society; may display cruel, uncaring, irresponsible, and impulsive behavior; does not care about other or society

10 Mental Health B. Passive- Aggressive Personality Disorder: uncooperative with others; angry over issues of control, they show their anger indirectly C. Schizophrenia: serious mental disorder meaning “split mind”; affects 1-2% of the population, most common between the ages of years; withdraw, often lose sense of time and space, hear voices, talk to themselves, hallucinate, act oddly, and often neglect to take care of themselves; may be caused by a physical disorder or genetics.

11 Suicide Risk Factors Depression, family history of mental health disorders, isolation, substance abuse, emotional/physical/or sexual abuse, exposure to other suicides.

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