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World War I and Its Aftermath

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1 World War I and Its Aftermath 1914-1920
US History/Geography

WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS MAIN IDEA: Old alliances and nationalist sentiments among European nations set the stage for WWI

3 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS The roots of World War 1 date back to the 1860s.
1864 German kingdom of Prussia started series of wars to unite the various German nations 1871: Prussia united German nations became German Empire Quickly became world’s most powerful nation

4 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS During war, Prussia defeated France
Forced France to give up territory France became enemies with Germany To protect themselves from French retaliation, German signed treaty with Italy and Austria-Hungary Became known as triple alliance

5 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS New alliance alarmed Russian leaders, they were worried Germany wanted to expand into Russia. Had common interest with France against Germany 1894 signed Franco-Russian Alliance to protect/aid in war with Triple alliance

6 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS Alliances encouraged militarism
Aggressive build-up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations Great Britain became involved in alliances Role was to support weaker countries against stronger ones so that no one country could conquer all of Europe 1898 Germany began building Navy, started an arms race with Great Britain Great Britain never signed any formal alliance but established closer relations with France and Russia Became known as the Triple Entente

7 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS Late 1800s nationalism had become a powerful idea in Europe Countries promoted their culture and interests above other countries With nationalism came the idea of self- determination- people who share a national identity should have their own country and gov’t Nationalism and Imperialism led to crisis in Balkans (pg322)

8 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS In June 1914 heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand visited Bosnian capital of Sarajevo Bosnian revolutionary Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand and his wife to death Assignation was known by Bosnian officials who wanted to start a war with Austro- Hungarian Empire to gain freedom.

9 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS Austro-Hungarian Empire blamed Serbia and decided to start war Knew this would upset Russia and might start another war, decided to ask German allies for their support German’s promised support if war erupted Serbia expected Russia to back them up and Russia counted on France to back them up, all agreed

10 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS July Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia. August Germany declared war on Russia, 2 days later on France Germany long prepared for war, launched massive invasion of France Hoped to knock France out of war then send troops and focus on Russia

11 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS Problem, to get to France had to go through Belgium
Belgium guaranteed neutral by Britain, so when German’s came through Britain declared war on Germany War had 2 sides, Allies (France, Russia and Great Britain later joined by Italy )and Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, and Germany later joined by Ottoman empire and Bulgaria)

12 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS German Plan worked at first, then Russia invaded Germany War on two fronts weakened Germany and allowed allies to stop them from taking France Became stalemate on west, Germany never got Paris, dug in trenches Central Powers more success on Eastern front

13 WORLD WAR I BEGINS What incident triggered the beginning of World War I? What is militarism? What countries were part of the Triple Alliance? What countries were part of the Triple Entente?

14 The United States Enters WWI
AMERICA DECLARES WAR MAIN IDEA: British propaganda and business interests led most Americans to a pro- British stance on the war.

15 AMERICA DECLARES WAR President Wilson determined to keep the United States out of the war “We must be impartial in thought as well as in action” Many American’s supported one side or the other German Americans supported Germany along with Irish Americans (b/c they didn’t like Britain) In general American’s supported British Cause

16 AMERICA DECLARES WAR For 2 years America remained neutral and debated over whether the United States should prepare for war Supporters believed preparing for war was best way to stay out of war (and if went would be prepared) Others Like Jane Addams and Carrie Chapman Catt didn’t want to prepare and said it wouldn’t keep US out of war

17 AMERICA DECLARES WAR President’s Wilson Cabinet was Pro- British
Only William Jennings Bryan favored neutrality British officials worked diligently to win American support One method was use of Propaganda: information designed to influence opinion Also cut cable from Europe to US so we could only get news from Britain.

18 AMERICA DECLARES WAR American Business also supported Great Britain
Business had strong ties with the allied countries Banks began to invest in Allied Victory (gave loans to Allies) Some banks (specifically in the Midwest) also lent money to Germany (pro-German)

19 AMERICA DECLARES WAR American supported Allies but didn’t really want to join in war. A series of events slowly changed America’s stance on the War. British Blockaded German ships and began inspecting neutral ships going to Europe for contraband Germany responded deploying submarines known as U-boats and saying they would sink any ship they found in waters around Great Britain

20 AMERICA DECLARES WAR May British passenger ship Lusitania entered war zone German U-Boats sunk ship Killed nearly 1200 passengers, including 128 Americans Attacked outraged American’s Wilson sent official protest to Germany to stop endangering non-combatants (still no war)

21 AMERICA DECLARES WAR Again in March 1916 German ships sunk a French passenger ship (Sussex) injuring several Americans Wilson still tried diplomacy by demanding German stop the submarine warfare or risk war with US Germany didn’t want war so promised (with conditions) to sink no more ships without warning Sussex Pledge

22 AMERICA DECLARES WAR Keep the US out of war was Wilson’s running platform for 1916 election Was reelected but did not keep US out of war 1917: Zimmermann Telegram German official Arthur Zimmermann sent telegram to Mexico asking them to side with Germany and fight against US Promised to give back Mexico territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona

23 AMERICA DECLARES WAR Telegram was intercepted by British intelligence and leaked to American Newspapers Americans FURIOUS! War with Germany was now necessary Feb Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare (violated Sussex pledge) Feb 3 and March 21 sunk 6 American Ships Didn’t believe US could raise and send Army to Europe in time

24 AMERICA DECLARES WAR April Wilson asked congress to Declare war on Germany After debate, resolution passed on April 4 American was at war.

25 AMERICA DELCARES WAR 5. What did German U-Boats do that brought American into World War I? 6. What was the Sussex Pledge? 7. What “strategy” did British officials to help sway American opinion of the war to their side? 8. What was Germany’s reasoning for breaking the Sussex Pledge?

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