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Oral Presentations in Business. 2 Agenda Speech preparation steps Speech preparation steps Delivering with style Delivering with style Sample speeches.

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Presentations in Business. 2 Agenda Speech preparation steps Speech preparation steps Delivering with style Delivering with style Sample speeches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Presentations in Business

2 2 Agenda Speech preparation steps Speech preparation steps Delivering with style Delivering with style Sample speeches Sample speeches

3 3 Oral Presentations Step 1- Select your topic Step 1- Select your topic Step 2 - Determine general purpose Step 2 - Determine general purpose Step 3 – Determine specific purpose Step 3 – Determine specific purpose Step 4 - Analyze the rhetorical situation Step 4 - Analyze the rhetorical situation Step 5 – Write your thesis Step 5 – Write your thesis Preparation steps

4 4 Oral Presentations Step 6 – Research and gather materials Step 6 – Research and gather materials Step 7 – Organize your ideas Step 7 – Organize your ideas Step 8 – Draft main points Step 8 – Draft main points Step 9 – Draft intro and conclusion Step 9 – Draft intro and conclusion Step 10 – Develop delivery Step 10 – Develop delivery Preparation steps

5 5 Step 1 – Select Your Topic Choose a topic you care/know about Choose a topic you care/know about Choose a topic your listener’s care about Choose a topic your listener’s care about

6 6 Step 2 – Determine General Purpose Inform Inform Persuade Persuade Entertain Entertain A general purpose is the overall aim of your speech… Microsoft Image

7 7 Step 3 – Determine Specific Purpose D Direct and to the point O One central goal A specific purpose is a concise statement of the central goal of your presentation...

8 8 Step 4 – Analyze the Rhetorical Situation Exigence (reacting to a need) Audience (pathos) Constraints oSoSoSoSpeaking surroundings oSoSoSoSpeaking context The rhetorical situation is the circumstances under which the speaker speaks.

9 9 Step 5 – Write Your Thesis Single sentence that sums up your main message or bottom line. oDoDoDoDeclarative sentence oToToToTells audience what and why A thesis is the primary argument of your speech

10 10 Step 6 – Research & Gather Materials Information you know Perspectives of others *** oIoIoIoInterviews, blogs and documentaries oCoCoCoCompany websites, annual reports, etc. oNoNoNoNewspaper, magazine and journal articles Information, evidence & knowledge used to support your thesis ***do a credibility check!

11 11 Step 7 – Organize Your Ideas Informative Persuasive oSoSoSoSelect organization based on type of audience oHoHoHoHostile, supportive or wavering Your pattern of organization should fit your general purpose

12 12 Step 7 – Organize Your Ideas Informative Organizational Patterns Categorical or Topical Categorical or Topical The effects of poverty, drugs & divorce on juvenile crime I. The effects of poverty on juvenile crime II. The effects of drugs on juvenile crime III. The effects of divorce on juvenile crime

13 13 Step 7 – Organize Your Ideas Informative Organizational Patterns Spatial Spatial Locating the best theme parks: I. Parks in California II. Parks in Texas. III. Parks in Florida

14 14 Step 7 – Organize Your Ideas Informative Organizational Patterns Chronological Chronological Fashion through the ages: I.Fashion in the 60s was elegant II.Fashion in the 70s was daring III.Fashion in the 80s was excessive

15 15 Step 7 – Organize Your Ideas Informative Organizational Patterns Causa l Cigarettes and our health: I.Cigarette smoke released toxic substances into the air II.Toxic substances from cigarettes are linked to several chronic health problems

16 16 Step 7 – Organize Your Ideas Informative Organizational Patterns Contrast How the iphone compares to other smart phones I.Differences in features and applications II.Differences in calling and data plans III.Differences in customer satisfaction

17 17 Main points are ideas, concepts, arguments and evidence organized to fit the pattern you selected No “right” number, but 3-5 is typical Maintain organization within each main point Transition between each main point Step 8 – Draft Main Points

18 18 Main points are ideas, concepts, arguments and evidence organized to fit the pattern you selected Use evidence to support your claims*** oQoQoQoQuantitative oQoQoQoQualitative ***Don’t forget to Cite your evidence Step 8 – Draft Main Points

19 19 Qualitative Main Points Definition Example Illustration Comparison Testimony Step 8 – Draft Main Points

20 20 Quantitative Main Points Statistics Other numerical data or proof Step 8 – Draft Main Points

21 21 Step 9 – Draft intro and conclusion Your introduction grabs the audience’s attention, states your purpose and gives a roadmap of your speech An effective introduction contains: o Attention-getting device o Statement of significance o Thesis o Preview

22 22 Step 9 – Draft intro and conclusion Your conclusions summarizes your speech, restates your thesis and leaves the audience with a clincher. An effective conclusion contains: o A summary of your main points (like preview) o A restatement of your purpose or thesis o A memorable remark or clincher

23 23 Group Assignment Your group has been selected to give a speech on a topic related to college life to a group of high school seniors who are preparing to go to college. Your group has been selected to give a speech on a topic related to college life to a group of high school seniors who are preparing to go to college.

24 24 Group Assignment Complete the following: Complete the following: – Analyze your rhetorical situation – Prepare an outline with: A specific purposeA specific purpose A thesisA thesis 2-5 Main Points (be prepared to explain your method of organization and why you selected this method).2-5 Main Points (be prepared to explain your method of organization and why you selected this method).

25 25 Group Assignment Cont. Next, prepare an introduction for your presentation with the following: Next, prepare an introduction for your presentation with the following: – An attention-getting opening statement – Statement motivating the audience to listen – Your thesis statement – Preview One person in your group will present your intro. to the class.

26 26 Step 10 – Develop Delivery Preparing for an effective delivery involves mental preparation, vocal and non-verbal preparation and practice! Modes of Delivery: o Speaking from manuscript o Speaking from memory o Impromptu o Extemporaneous

27 27 Step 10 – Develop Delivery Preparing for an effective delivery involves mental preparation, vocal and non-verbal preparation and practice! Preparing mentally o Relax o Visualize success o Motivate yourself o Focus on what you can control

28 28 Step 10 – Develop Delivery Preparing for an effective delivery involves mental preparation, vocal and non-verbal preparation and practice! Vocal Delivery: o Animation o Projection o Articulation and pronunciation o Pausing

29 29 Step 10 – Develop Delivery Preparing for an effective delivery involves mental preparation, vocal and non-verbal preparation and practice! Nonverbal Delivery o Attire o Posture o Facial Expressions/eye contact o Gestures

30 30 Step 10 – Develop Delivery Preparing for an effective delivery involves mental preparation, vocal and non-verbal preparation and practice! Practice, Practice, Practice o Reduce dependence on notes o Practice exactly as you will present o Gain comfortable with language choices

31 31 Sample Informative Speeches

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