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Between One and Many: The Art and Science of Public Speaking Ch. 1: Practical Speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Between One and Many: The Art and Science of Public Speaking Ch. 1: Practical Speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Between One and Many: The Art and Science of Public Speaking Ch. 1: Practical Speaking

2 Public Speaking 101 3 Major Parts to Preparing and Delivering a Speech Before writing the speech Researching and writing the speech Giving the Speech

3 Before Writing the Speech Analyze the Context and the Audience What does the audience expect you to talk about? What will the audience find interesting? Choose a General Purpose Choose a Topic What interests you? What interesting experiences have you had? Is the topic interesting to both you and your audience? Is the topic appropriate? Will the topic fit the time limitations? Can you find resources and information about your topic? Is it worth your audience's time to listen to the topic?

4 Before Writing the Speech Construct your specific purpose Develop your thesis statement This statement will fulfill the specific purpose and tells the audience what you want to accomplish.

5 Researching and Writing the Speech Researching the speech Use personal experience for examples Outside Sources  Books  Periodicals  Internet Resources  Interviews

6 Researching and Writing the Speech Writing the Speech Introduction  Open with Impact  Focus on your Thesis Statement  Connect with your Audience  Preview Body  Organize your Main Points Time Pattern, Spatial Pattern, Categorical Pattern  Provide Transitions Conclusion  Summarize  Close with Impact

7 Giving the Speech Use Your Voice Effectively Speak Conversationally Speak so that Everyone can Hear Vary Your Voice Maintain Constant Eye Contact Use Facial Expressions Effectively

8 Giving the Speech Use Your Body Effectively Posture Movement Gestures Dress Use an Extemporaneous Delivery

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