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Onset of the Cold War hools/gcsebitesize/histor y/mwh/ir2/causes_coldw aract.shtml Cold War Began in 1947

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1 Onset of the Cold War hools/gcsebitesize/histor y/mwh/ir2/causes_coldw aract.shtml Cold War Began in 1947 S0zqmzk

2 Joseph Stalin: Leader of USSR Key Players in the onset of the Cold War Harry Truman: President of the United States of America Democracy vs. Communism

3 What is the Cold War? Cold War is the conflict between the Communist nations led by the Soviet Union and the democratic nations led by the United States. It was fought by all means - propaganda, economic war, diplomatic pressures and the occasional military clashes. It was fought in all places - in neutral states, in newly independent nations in Africa, Asia and even in outer space.

4 Causes of the Cold War *American fear of communist attack * Truman’s dislike of Stalin * Russia’s fear of the American's atomic bomb * Russia’s dislike of capitalism * Russia’s actions in the Soviet zone of Germany * America’s refusal to share nuclear secrets * Russia’s expansion west into Eastern Europe + broken election promises * Russia’s fear of American attack * Russia’s need for a secure western border * Russia’s aim of spreading world communism

5 Map of Europe During the Cold War

6 Review Question: List a cause of the Cold War.

7 Former Allies Clash U.S. and Soviet Unions had different futures – Soviet Communism : state controlled all property and economic activity Goals in Eastern Europe : spread communism and create a buffer zone against Germany – Capitalism : private citizens controlled almost all economic activity During the war, the two sides (U.S. and USSR) became skeptical of each other. – Stalin resented the allies for not attacking the Germans in Europe sooner – The relationship worsened when he found that the U.S. kept the plan of the atomic bomb secret from the Soviet Union.

8 Soviets and Eastern Europe The Soviet Union emerged with enormous military and economic strength. Soviets had to rebuild their country. The Soviets felt justified to take over the Eastern part of Europe. Soviet Governments in Eastern Europe: – Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland. – satellite nations : countries dominated by the Soviet Union. Stalin: “capitalism and communism were not compatible and there will be another war in the future.”

9 Cold War Begins 1948 : pro-communist governments were put in place in Eastern Europe. 1947 : Stalin went after Greece – GB could not afford to defend Greece – US would not allow communism in Greece!!


11 Review Questions: Why did the Soviets take over Eastern Europe? What is a satellite nation?

12 Containment Policy February 1946 : George Kennan- proposed a policy of Containment – containment : taking measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries. The policy began to guide the Truman administration’s foreign policy. “Iron Curtain:” phrase to describe an imaginary line that separated Eastern and Western Europe.

13 Truman Doctrine Turkey and Greece = Containment Nations Great Britain sent economic and military support Because of the war Great Britain had war debts, they asked the US to take over the aid. March 12, 1947 – Truman asked Congress for $400 million of military and economic aid for Greece and Turkey. Truman Doctrine : Truman declared that “it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” Congress Agreed!

14 Review Questions: Why did the US have to aid Greece and Turkey?

15 Marshall Plan Western Europe was in chaos Factories from the war were bombed or looted millions of people were living in refugee camps Winter of 1946-7 – damaged crops and froze rivers, cutting off water transportation and causing a fuel shortage. June 1947 : Secretary of State George Marshall proposed that the US provide aid to all European nations that needed it. Marshall Plan : (1947) the US supplied economic aid and food to European nations to help them rebuild – Stalin declined aid to USSR and Eastern Europe By 1952 Western Europe was flourishing


17 Review Questions: Who was the Marshall Plan named after? a.the president b.Secretary of state c.Secretary of defense What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?

18 Continued Yalta Conference Soviets wanted to take reparations from Germany to help repay wartime Soviet losses. Potsdam Conference Agreed they (USSR,US,France, and GB) would only take reparations from their own occupied zone of Germany. US, France, GB combined their zone (no more reparations!) Truman - US wants to spread free trade around Europe US became the economic power after the war.

19 Berlin Airlift Berlin was occupied by the Allies June 1948 : Stalin tried forcing Allies out! – Sealed off every road and highway into Western parts of the city – The western powers created a 24/7 airlift of supplies into Berlin! – More than a year cargo planes supplied West Berlin with food and fuel. – The West won; the Soviets stopped the airlift!

20 NATO 1949 : US, Canada and 10 other North American countries formed a military alliance. – NATO= North Atlantic Treaty Organization – Pledged to help one another if they were attacked

21 The Warsaw Pact 1955 : West Germany was allowed to rearm and join NATO, therefore the Soviet Union got nervous. They created their own military alliance called the Warsaw Pact- the pact linked the Soviet Union with seven Eastern European countries.

22 Berlin Crisis 1961 : East Germans want Democracy E. Germans bad mouthing Communism Khrushchev threatened that he would help close off access to W. Berlin Kennedy refused to give up access- never let communism win Aug. 13, 1961 Berlin wall started to go up – Ended crisis, but created more tension


24 Crises over Cuba Explain how Castro came to power. Did the U.S. recognize Cuba as a country when Castro took over? What did Castro do to worsen relations with the US early on? Who did Castro receive aid from? Who planned the Bay of Pigs? Explain the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Include…. Explain the Bay of Pigs Invasion. – Date – People involved – Important details – Outcome

25 Cuban Missile Crisis: Who was an ally of Cuba’s, what did they promise? When did tensions rise between Cuba and the U.S. (date)? Why were Americans scared? What steps were taken during the six day standstill in October of 1962? What was the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Why did USSR back down?

26 What is Communism? What do communists value? Wanted to spread communism and the command economy to other countries. Government owns most property Nakita Khrushchev = leader of USSR after Stalin Leonid Brezhnev = leader after Khrushchev till 1982

27 Free Markets and Containing Communism What type of economy is a Communist economy? Capitalist countries= _____________ economy. What are the differences? What does containing communism mean?

28 Living with Nuclear Danger What did Americans think was going to happen? What did Americans do for prevention? What was the peak of fear?

29 Seeking Enemies Within Who was the Senator from the US who hunted for communists? What was the fear of communism called in the US? What was HUAC? – How would this hurt people’s jobs?

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