Section 1: Developing a Geographic Eye


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Presentation transcript:

Section 1: Developing a Geographic Eye CHAPTER 1 A Geographer’s World Section 1: Developing a Geographic Eye Section 2: Themes and Essential Elements Section 3: The Branches of Geography

SECTION 1 Developing a Geographic Eye Question: What issues do geographers study, and at what level do they view the world?

Developing a Geographic Eye SECTION 1 Developing a Geographic Eye STUDY OF GEOGRAPHY Issues/Topics Levels

SECTION 2 Themes and Essential Elements Question: In what ways do regions and subregions help geographers understand our world?

Themes and Essential Elements SECTION 2 Themes and Essential Elements REGIONS AND SUBREGIONS REGION SUBREGION SUBREGION

SECTION 3 The Branches of Geography Question: What are the differences between the study of human geography and the study of physical geography? What types of work do geographers do?

The Branches of Geography SECTION 3 The Branches of Geography

Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 1 1. What are three ways to view geography? Give an example of when each type could be used. 2. What kind of directions would you give to indicate a place’s absolute location? Its relative location? 3. What is diffusion, and why is it important? 4. Why do geographers create subregions? 5. Why is cartography important? What types of jobs do geographers do?